Soapy Swirlies

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Morgan looked around the shower as we all rinsed the sweat off. "This is almost like your Austin shower."

Jessica asked Morgan sternly: "Whose Austin Shower, lady? Do we need to take your stubborn PI ass back to bed to remind you what you did today? Swimming pool? Diana kissing your face? Sudden fractional ownership of your car? Now also MY car? Capped off in the bed in the next room, complete with skin tingles?? Any of this sounding at all familiar?"

"Our Austin shower." Morgan amended "Our families Claremont shower is quite similar in design to our Austin shower. Better?"

"Better." Jessica agreed. She walked over to the wall to select a bottle. Held it up. Body Wash. "Who wants.."

Morgan raised her hand. "I want. Do me. My hair is sweaty and matted for some reason as well. Any good shampoo right there at hand?"

Jessica said nothing, just reached back and picked out a second bottle.

I went over to Helen, picking up a bottle on the way. "Hi. As per our mutual body hair agreement, I am here to do you. You want a shampoo too?"

"Oh hell yes! After that Morgan bomb went off in there I worked up quite a sweat. My wife is like the female version of you. She went right behind my eyes."

Jessica started on Morgan's mane. "Mine too. Can you imagine what it would be like if Adrian let go at the same time?"

"Wait a moment. That was only me?" Morgan asked. Then "Oh that feels nice. Scalp massage. I like being married. Sex followed by this? So wonderful. I am finally back to my hedonistic ways."

"I gave you a scalp massage when we weren't married." Jessica pointed out.

"Yes, but for one thing, we were torturing Adrian at the time since he would not join us. For another, now I can get them all the time. I will do your hair next if you like. I love massages. Getting and giving."

"I want, luscious detective." Jessica assured her.

I was merely washing Helen's hair so I upped to scalp massage level.

We washed a while, rinsed. No hurry. All pleasure that followed the earlier passion. It fit in my head in the same place that cuddling does. After sex intimacy. Making love in a different way.

Jessica asked "So, Morgan: Back? Front? Whatever you want. No pressure."

"Why not wash all of me?" Morgan sang to the tune of the Sinatra song.

Jessica smiled. "Coming up. You have a nice voice."

"I used to be in a choir. I had a band as well. Sort of a ZZ Top cover band, except I was the only guitar player." Morgan confessed. "Also: I did not have a beard. I love beards now. Not ZZ Top ones, but that one over there...."

Jessica flipped some suds at me. "Him too. The choir part. Ditto the beard love."

Jessica missed nothing on Morgan but did not go for any kind of tease either. At most Morgan's breasts were given extra passes, but that seemed as much simple exploration as anything. This is a post-coital shower, not a warm-up.

I followed that script with Helen, but in her case, it is only that I am not trying to relight her wick. Once she gets pregnant (if she decides to try now, given the HPA) that is going to be all but impossible.

Both Jessica and I pulled up shower stools because it is easier to do the legs that way.

When it was my turn and Helen started to work on my beard we had a brief audience so Jessica and Morgan could see how Helen was doing it. 

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