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Results of the entire operation? Seven HPA members are now in Crew detention facilities and are having everything they know drained out of their head, one Juice-load at a time. Two Women, Five men. Even with their Cell organization, we have two entire Cells of the HPA and are connecting the dots to find more.

This operation will cost the HPA dearly. They have deep pockets obviously, but it cannot be fun for them to lose this much this fast. 

There are the Mercedes Vans. Sixteen of them at the Hall, twenty-five of them in Hungary. Those are gone, chopped, and on the used parts market. A couple of million dollars worth of vans gone. Then there is all the gear IN the vans. Also gone.

I have no idea if the HPA or the Paramilitary group (called 'Euroguard') paid for all that stuff. The guns and IR gear and body armor. They clearly ramped all of that infrastructure up for this. Everything was brand new. The boots on their feet even. Someone had to write a check for all that stuff, and they lost it all.

I have never looked at a contract between a group and a Paramilitary organization they are hiring. I am sure there is a mission statement. Performance clauses. It delineates payment schedules, what costs are born by who. If the HPA made the EuroGuard buy all the infrastructure, then that meant the price of the contract covered it all and had a margin on top of it. The HPA STILL paid for it, one way or the other.

Since all that gear is brand new, then maybe the people were all recent hires as well. EuroGuard probably staffed up for this, thinking this would be a huge opportunity to join the big leagues, using someone else's money.

It's hard to think of things like this in terms of cost, but on the other hand? The Paramilitary organization lost a total of six hundred and eighty-five people. Ninety-five percent of the entire organization is gone in a flash. The Crew is STILL vaporizing bodies, and the 'waiting area' does not smell good. The people that remain have to be asking the HPA 'What the hell did you get us into?'.

I imagine the HPA is saying to the EuroGuard management: 'Well, there went your performance bonuses.' To which the EuroGuard people are saying back in angry voices 'You owe us BIG TIME. You did not tell us we were facing the Mossad!' Or something like that.  

The remaining  Euroguard is likely the original core group before they staffed up. They are probably well-armed. I also imagine some of the specialized operatives, like Chanel, were original EuroGuard members. It is hard to imagine finding the perfect person, like her, at a special Paramilitary hiring event. Not that I know what a Paramilitary job bizarre looks like.

There are a LOT more wounded Vampires, Crew and volunteers, from the Hungary Op. It was a worse setup. More open spaces made machine guns more effective. That worked both ways.

We lost two of the Crew. No one I knew, but that did not make me feel the loss any less. I could see, feel, and scent the sorrow around me. These are good women, who only want to protect our species from those who hate us. These people that do not even KNOW us, but they hate us. 

My usual refrain when I think of these Purity people: Hate without cause. Without reason. Hate NEEDS no reason. Evil just is.

The HPA now have to deal a pissed off group of EuroGuard and pissed off Crew hunting them. These people are going to be diving for cover. That is good, and it is bad because it will ultimately make it that much harder to root them out.

I am done with it all. I will listen to the results of course, but I am tired of seeing how the sausage is made. Not my problem. Maybe.

Even as I am sitting here on the side of the pool, watching my family with joy, as they cavort and play, I feel the drain if it. How I felt after being raped, only in miniature.

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