Van, Hide, Repeat

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The going is so slow. The terrain flat, but I am staying in the trees. When there is a good berm to get behind, I can watch the road for a while. Once an hour or so, a van will slowly roll by. It pissed off a car one time.

Then the driver of the car saw the weaponry and passed like a shot. I wonder how incidents like that are reported to the authorities. Are they? Or does the driver assume they saw the government doing something?

No damn idea. In the US, a car full of weapons like that would be reported to someone, sooner or later. Even in Texas.

I ate one of the rations for breakfast. Sipped some water. Food and water are going to be problems. I can't use Vampire capabilities for any length of time without fuel. I cannot come out into the open without Vans. Fucking Vans.

They could not have this many Vans. A para group that can field an army big enough to cover all Turkey would be so big it would make world headlines.

They must assume I am headed out of the country, and further, drew some lines from the airport to Bulgaria. I am not sure how many kilometers of road that leaves for them to cover, but it is still a huge force for a bunch of Supremacists. The guys in the US HPA sounded like they did not like their Euro counterparts all that much. I wondered if part of why is that the US folks did not possess this level of resources.

Vampires are up against some really well-funded bigots: You'd think they would know about this. Why am I the one in the middle of this again? Damn it all to hell. I want to be left alone with my family. Raise my children in peace.

I am tracking pretty much due west to stay near a road. That means Vans, but it also means I know where and when the vans are.

On the outskirts of a little town, there came a service station. Closed, since it is about four AM. I looked it over and saw no security cameras. I am not in the US where even the tiniest places could have motion-sensitive cameras. This is a little family-owned operation, it looks like. I think: It is not as if I can read the signage. For all I know it says this station is a member of the largest fuel conglomerate in Turkey! Something about it made me think it more likely it said: 'Smith family fuel and supplies'. Whatever the right last name would be in Turkey.

I slipped the lock with the knife. Inside there were shelves of goods. I cannot read what they are, but most have picture labels. I made a stack of everything that looks remotely like protein, and also a few more bottles of water. I added up the numbers in Lira and laid more than that on the cash register. I quickly ate a meal inside to keep from having to carry it. I still have the rubber gloves, so I am leaving no fingerprints.

I went to the bathroom and I cleaned up as well as I could, making sure no hairs are left behind. As an afterthought, I 'bought' some toilet paper and a road map to carry with me as well.

The door closed and as secure as it had been when I got there, I retreated to the tree-line, and then circled around the town to get back to the road popping out the other side. I walked for several more hours in the tree filtered daylight, and then I found a tree.

I feel more secure. I have rations. I have water. Despite the breaking and entering, I did not steal anything. I overpaid. They may still be pissed off by the violation.

Join the damn club.

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