We ALL Saw It

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After the shower, Morgan and I called Angel to give her the news. Morgan used her phone, so Angel would see it is her.

"Morgan? Hi! What's the good word? Adrian OK?" Angel asked her friend, sounding much less distraught than Vera had started her conversation with.

Morgan looked me over. "Adrian is fine. Adrian is more than fine. He is safe. Also: He is delicious. He is mine. Not ALL mine, but very much mine."

"Uh..." Angel said

"Did I surprise YOU for once?" Morgan asked, happy. Angel is hard to surprise. She reads people like no one I ever met. "PS: He is right here and can hear us."

"You are slightly surprising, yes. I mean, I know what you were like when you left. Excitement embodied in a normally reserved girl. I can hear it in your voice. Are you saying you finally jumped into the deep in of the pool? FINALLY?"

That got a chuckle. "Angel love, you have no idea. I did not jump in. I DID jump in on the shallow end, and into his arms. Then we swam to the deep end. There, I proposed. We made love to seal the deal. We both knew what that meant for us. Then, we swam to the other end of the pool, and when Jessica and Helen came to the pool, I married into the family. I was engaged for about thirty minutes I think. Maybe not that. I was not counting. We are married now. He is mine. I am his. Or if you prefer: He is ours, I am theirs. Either way. I have two wives in addition to the man I love. I love them too. They are FUN! Words I never thought I would speak. Everyone should have wives I think."

Morgan is still a bit on the giddy / goofy side. I love it.

Angel yelled "Danny, Lori. Come quick! Woo Hoo!!"

Angel really sounded excited. So much for the composed start of the call.

I heard their voices dopplering into the phones microphone range.

Lori asked "What's up? You sound super-excited."

Angel said "You are on speaker now Morgan. Say it again! Woo Hoo!"

Yep: Angel is super-excited

Morgan looked at me and I waved her on. "Hi, Danny and Lori. Morgan and Adrian here, also on speaker. We have a bit of news above and beyond what you already know, I.E. that our Adrian is safe and well and that the HPA never came near catching him once he was free. You guys know what Jessica acted like while he was gone? How she kept asking me to marry every time we turned around and in front of whoever was standing there at the time? So I did, nearly as soon as we got here. I was done too: I married Adrian, Helen, and Jessica, here, in the pool. I am now a married-in-member of the Sagan household, full time and fully committed. All in."

Angel fake whispered "They had pre-marital sex! Can you believe it?"

Danny said "Dude! Dudette! Congratulations man! That is so cool."

Lori added "It is about damn time! I thought Jessica was going to jump you here in the living room a couple of times, not the mention now you can quit mooning over him. God that was painful to watch. Diana must be thrilled."

I answered "You might say that. Every time she see's Morgan since the ceremony, she yells 'mommy mommy mommy'."

Morgan protested "I was NOT mooning."

"Oh, honey. Please. I am not Angel, but even I could see the way you would watch him leave the room." Lori told her.

"I like his ass. Sue me. Now I get to touch it whenever I want." Morgan said.

That got outright laughs from the entire Austin group.

Angel added, post guffaw "Yeah right, Morgan."

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