You Shipped Beer HERE?

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Fiona lit up the kitchen staff up telling them that the lord of the estate just got married in the pool (All Vampires so not weirded out by the idea like humans would be), and to get to cooking. Fiona and Helen went out to the winery to select some vintages.

Jessica, Morgan, Diana, and I sat in the dining room having been told to kindly butt out.

"I miss beer." I said to no one in particular.

"Oh. I forgot to tell you, husband number one, we had some shipped and chilled. Be right back." Jessica flew from the table. I looked at Morgan in surprise. "They have beer in France, I think. Belgium?"

"They do, however it is not like the beer Jessica and I made." Morgan replied knowingly. "When she fretted about you being missing, we brewed up a few batches to take her mind off it."

Jessica came rolling (almost literally) back into the room with a cooler and a CO2 bottle attached to it by a red hose. She zoomed off again and came back with glasses.

"Mommy is fast." Diana noted.

"Yes. She certainly is. She brewed beer for us, so she is also a goddess." I told her happily.

"Will I like beer when I'm big?" Diana asked, watching Jessica work.

"Maybe. Maybe not. Some people do, and some people don't." I told her. "Your Helen Mommy is not a huge drinker of it. You might be like her."

"It smells." Diana said.

I watched Jessica pull a few drafts. "Morgan? Want one?"

"Is it that IPA we did? The one I helped with and I asked all the questions about?" Morgan asked. "The one that as we stirred in the mid boil hops, you proposed, and also mentioned brewing naked hurt when hot wort got on your boobs? Marriage and seduction proposal number three, I think it was? Not in that order either?"

"Yes. Not that being naked was helping me plight my troth with you." Jessica nodded. "If you had been standing as close as I was, you would have gotten some on YOUR boobs too. Then I would have cleaned it off you orally, and proposed again. But Nooo! You stood too far back. Beer tease."

"In that case, my lovely wife, I would very much like some. A beer and a kiss, if you please?" Morgan said with a grin.

Jessica smiled as she pulled the third draft. She never asked me because she knows me all too well and also I am the one that wished for it and my fairy god-wife made it happen.

Jessica said to Morgan: "That being called your wife thing? That feels funny. Good, but funny. Like I never thought I would hear that from you."

"You are my wife, are you not?" Morgan asked.

"I so completely am." Jessica agreed.

"Then it seems you should get used to it, Mommy Jessica who is Morgan's wife. I am Morgan in that sentence, in case that got confusing."

I took a second to ponder this. Morgan being Morgan, Jessica being Jessica, but now married.

Jessica handed out the beers, paused at some length for a kiss with her new wife, and we clinked glasses. Diana clinked her water glass. "Cheers my wife and husband and daughter."

Morgan nodded. "That does kind of feel funny. I find I like it more than I thought I might. I was so worried about that. How odd." Morgan sipped, added: "You always did say I was being a dumbass. You, our heart, were so right. Being married changes things. Makes it better." Morgan saluted with her cup. "Lovely beer as well, my lovely Amazonian brewmaster wife."

Jessica waved her beer glass back, then at me. "When Adrian and I got married, we ran up and down a holiday store telling everyone that would sit still we were married... ohhhh! Morgan! What are your holiday traditions? We may need to go back to that store! Or a different store, so I can run around calling you my wife. I get to show you off! I like it! I am a genius. Not like you are maybe, but I knew you needed to be married to us WAY before you did. Former dumbass."

Missing Vampire: Reward Available (Hypernaturals 6)Where stories live. Discover now