Worth the Wait

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Jessica said firmly: "Nope. Nope. Not having that at all. I asked. Remember? Literally just now! I said 'Are you going to marry us' and Morgan said 'Yes'. Not even counting all the damn times I asked in the US while you were out fucking around in the European countryside. Probably boffing maidens in barns while Morgan and I were pining. I proposed over and over. I wore her down and I won her over, so screw you and your romantic proposal shit, boy-toy. We are taking her any way we can get her. Now: we lock her in fast before she changes her mind. She is demonstratedly an idiot. Once we get her committed, she is ours. We need more than a quick screw in the deep end of the pool to seal this deal. I am sure it was nice but that quick? Not good enough: We need a ceremony so that Morgan is done for. Well. OK. Wait a moment."

Jessica looked over at Helen paying no attention to us and in deep conversation with Sophie and Jacqueline. She raised her voice "Helen. Helen? Fiona, would you splash her please?"

Fiona did as asked.

"Thank you, dear." Jessica told her.

Helen said with irritation: "What? We are talking here!" Fiona pointed our way, halfway across the pool. Jessica made a 'come to us' gesture. "Pick up Diana and come here, please? Important family conference about to start. Be here or miss out on girl kissing."

We are standing in water that came lapped the top inward curve of Morgan's breasts. Too deep for Diana, normally.

Helen scooped up Diana who asked: "It's been ten minutes, Mommy?"

Helen told her "I have no idea, babydoll. That was Mommy Morgan that set that time. Let's go ask her, shall we? We are going into the deep water, little love, so hold on."

When Helen arrived, I took Diana in my left arm and pulled Morgan in with my right. "Diana? Morgan and I have a question for you. How would you like Mommy Morgan to be with us all the time? Move ALL the rest of her stuff in. Not only live with us but marry us?"

"Be in our house forever?" Diana asked with big eyes.

"Exactly. Forever." Morgan answered. In answer, Diana jumped at her, and Morgan scrambled to get her arm from around me and up to hold Diana. "Can we have a pool too?" Diana asked.

Morgan laughed happily at our little girl. "You are such a water baby! Maybe. No promises until we talk about it with all your mommies and Daddy. But honey: it is OK with you if I came to live in the house all the time? Leave my other house and only have our house? I know I hardly ever go there, but what if I never did? Be at our house, with each other from now on?"

Mother, to Diana, is someone in our house and part of our family who is a woman and not her grandmother. Angel and Lori are also her Mom's. Screw the Auntie shit.

"I want you to live in my room!" Diana answered.

"I am going to take that as a 'yes', but so you know, I will still sleep with Daddy and your mommies in the big bedroom. OK?" Morgan told her and kissed her.

"Ok, Mommy. I can't wait!" Diana chirped.

Morgan then addressed Helen and Jessica. "Adrian and I have been talking about something like this, on and off, for years. Ever since the Conclave. I am the most boring kind of woman: straight and sort of monogamous? OK. That is pushing the definition of the term and is not important. It is not that I did not want to be with you all. I did not know how and I stupidly thought if I considered it long and hard enough I could figure it all out. Classic newbie Vampire mistake. In my defense, Adrian made it too. I am in our home all the time I am not at work because that is where I want to be. I remember the secret thrill I got when Adrian told me that after being at the house three times I am family, and I had to serve myself. I wanted that to be complete. I belong with you all, and I hope that you all will consider me. It must be all the family saying 'yes' to me of course."

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