Food and Love

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Helen and I lay initially sated in each other's arms on the side of the pool. It is not a hot tub or a Jacuzzi. Way too damn big. I played with her hair idly and imagined when it is longer and she makes that private world for us with it. That mental image made me think that our second round of love-making is in the very near future.

I heard Fiona outside the shower moving things around. The glass in my shower is frosted. This glass wall is merely fogged. Also, laying there I have to crane my head to look as I am basking in the afterglow.

Fiona opened the door and leaned in to tell us: "Food is here, lovers. I put it on this tray by the door. Couple of stools to perch on here too. I know you are all clean now and everything. Also, I heard the surrender so I felt you might be ready for some nutrition."

I like that Fiona is not shy. Not hung up.

I answered "That wasn't a surrender, Fiona. That was me calling for a truce when I ran out of ammo. I asked if I could take my wounded off the field, but really I am secretly refilling the ammo pouches from the supply wagons."

Fiona laughed. "Not yours. Hers."

Helen said in a happy voice "I only gave up that particular battle. He demanded it. I demanded it! Sometimes it is nice to give in. Little does he know there is a war yet to fight."

Fiona gave that a deeper and more knowing laugh. "I love a good conflict of needs. You kids recharge your batteries here. Have a lot of fun. Ring if you need anything. Any time." She took her leave.

"I like Fiona muchly." I told Helen.

"She is a rare find. You can't have her though. OT3 means One True Threesome, and that means your dance card is full. Unless Morgan wants in. Then I guess we are an OT4, and then you will always be tired. That dumb girl has not had sex in years."

I am not sure how she knew about Morgan's recent sexual infrequency, but I stayed focused on Fiona. "I didn't mean I wanted to have sex with Fiona. I said I like her."

"You are a man." Apropos of nothing I thought.

"You would know." I pointed out.

"She is a redhead with an Irish accent." Helen noted

"Even when she is speaking French." I smiled, thinking about that.

Helen smiled back. "That is kind of fun. I have never tried to blend in my old British accent with French. Point of pride: When I fled here, I wanted people to think was from here."

"Besides all that, you're Bi. Therefore you are just projecting about Fiona. You want to see if she is a real redhead, from close up."

Helen paused. "I might be projecting, but she is my employee or was before you, so I never tried any seductions. Your earlier objection was also mine. Even though that objection is, in theory, gone it does not matter in any case because Fiona has not been a Vampire long enough to have adapted to the more fluid aspects of gender preference. Like Morgan: very Het, so she would want you, but not me. Maybe a few hot tub parties at Conclaves down the road, that might change, but... It does not matter. However and to your point, we have been in the pool. No clothes allowed there. She is authentic. Hell, you would have smelled hair dye anyway, so you already knew that. Let's go eat so you can recharge. I feel another conflict coming on. The beard is lovely, by the way. I am so glad you grew that for me. Very thoughtful of you."

"You are ready now I see. It's not cold in here. Must be the thought of Fiona in the pool." I said, leaning forward.

Helen gave me a lust-filled look. "As I said earlier: Numerous times, Adrian. I am going to drain you and refill you as often as possible so that you never want to do anything like that to us ever again."

"I did not want to do it that time." I said, in faux offense.

We walked carefully across the wet marble floor to the door and found fluffy robes laid out in addition to a food tray. It appeared to me that Fiona emptied the kitchen onto the tray. Every kind of finger food from deli-sliced meat sandwiches to a cheese assortment, hummus, pita bread, olives of six different kinds, and a carafe of red wine.

"I take it back about Fiona. If she is as good in bed as she is at her job..." I said as I looked over the food and Helen poured the wine. I heaved an overly dramatic sigh. "I suppose we will have to make do with each other. Not willing to give back your lovely gift to seduce Fiona. I am pretty sure you are a real blonde too, but I need to be sure."

"I am not a real blonde, and you have missed it all these years. Look closer this next time." Helen replied.

I watched Helen do wine things to the wine. I am a beer drinker, so I smelled it, looked at the color, and then sipped it. I never understood 'legs'. Is it good if it stuck to the side of the glass or bad. I cannot recall.

Helen watched me taste it. Waited. "And?"

"I like it. I say that knowing nothing about wine, but being a hypersensitive. No off-flavors. Not too sweet, but not overly tannic either. I think they called that balanced? It is probably the best wine I ever tasted."

"That is because it is. This is Claremont, of course. About six years old I think."

"It pairs nicely with the Cheese, Olives, and having sex with you." I noted. Looking at it through the glass again. Holding it up and looking at her through it. "Yes. You and wine. The perfect pairing."

"It does indeed. I wonder why she only brought the one carafe..."

"Would you mind opening your robe a bit more? I am thinking the color of the wine goes well with your skin color, but want to be sure. Bit more. Need to see the pink bits. The crinkled up and tasty nubs. Yes. Perfect. Thank you."

Helen opened her robe by several increments without comment.

I held up the glass again and looked at her, then it, then her. "Oh yes. That goes very nicely indeed. The perfect accompaniment to excellent wine. Taste the wine..." A sip. "Taste the nipples..." A nibble each. "Perfect. I like that wine. I love the woman."

We ate and played more, and I was surprised to see the tray diminish quickly. I am hungrier than I realized. Helen seemed amused as she watched and sipped.

I stood up, took off my robe and looked at it critically.

"Something wrong with your robe? It looks to be the right size." Helen asked, concerned host in her voice. Yeah: Still her place in her head. Mine too.

"Oh. It is. I was looking at how large it is because I am going to lay it on this cold marble floor, add yours, and then make love to you on top of them."

"Oh. In that case, here is mine. Get them arranged. I have been waiting patiently." Helen quickly handed me her garment. Patiently is probably not the truth here. She just knew I needed that food more than I did. I am easily distracted. 

"Let's see about that blonde thing. Also, is it allowed to drink a Claremont wine from your belly button?"

"Oh, Hell yes!"

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