Deep End Redeaux

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Diana was the center of attention. I drafted Fiona on the way to the pool and told her that her job depended upon coming to the pool and playing with us.

"If I must, I must. Although I am beginning to suspect you make me do things like this because like seeing a redhead without her clothing." Fiona yielded.

I shrugged. Fiona brought it up."You are a living Renoir."

"I suppose that is good? I am going to need to have a think about that one." Fiona said. "Do men sexually harass paintings?"

"I am not a spokesperson for the male gender. I do not. Best I can tell you." I said. "You can stay here and think. The Vampire pool party is out there, wear a swimming suit if you prefer. We'll give you a ration of shit if you do. Also, there is a sign about that, but I did not put it there." I pointed and headed that way.

After about an hour of splashing about, I 'dragged' Morgan to the deep end under the diving board. She braced to the edge, legs holding me up.

Morgan looked at me with a smile. "This is familiar."

I kissed her, and said against her lips "This is still some unfinished business."

Morgan glanced back at the splashing at the other end of the pool quickly. I assured her "One: They are all playing with Diana. All of them. Two: You like public places. You said so. Three: Last time it was IN, then out. Two times. This is where you proposed and I would like to celebrate right here."

With a mischievous look, this time Morgan didn't do the stop and start, almost indecisive thing from before. She did not stop her downward motion until we quickly and completely merged. Her legs wrapped tighter to make sure I am not going anywhere. We kissed passionately and floated connected.

"So much better." Morgan said, kissing me

"Agree." I said.

It is not easy to have long and detailed conversations when engaged like this. There is also the matter of face staying above the water. I am Vampire, not Mer-man.

Someone got onto the diving board and laid down, and Morgan let go and tried to slide back up but I held her firmly down by pressing on the flair of her hips with both free hands. If Morgan let go of the edge, we were going to sink. Sink together, but sink.

Jessica's face popped over the edge of the board. "Hi. Watcha doing?"

Morgan gave me a foul look "I was told that what goes on in the deep end of the pool stays in the deep end of the pool."

"I'm in the deep end" Jessica pointed out reasonably.

"No, you are not. Spatial relations, dear. You are NEAR the deep end. You are in fact ABOVE the deep end. Adverbs and prepositions matter. We can only tell you what we are doing if you are IN the deep end." Morgan explained is the same reasonable way Jessica just did, looking up at her on the board, and making up new rules for the deep end as she went along.

That predictably caused Jessica to otter smoothly off the board in an impressive show of smooth control and grace, dropping the last bit and surfacing to grab the edge.

"Hi lovers." She said. "Are those prepositions or propositions? Spelling matters too. You are in a juxtaposition, for example."

"Uh.. Hi?" Morgan responded. She looked at me quizzically, since I seemed undistressed that she and I are making love in a fairly public place, and Jessica is right there with us in the same public place. Perhaps not what Morgan had in mind when she said her 'kink' is being in public.

"Hi, Imp." I told Jessica, and leaned over for a kiss from her.

Jessica looked down the pool at the party. "No one paying the slightest attention." She noted.

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