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Morgan lay on the bed breathing deeply. She dropped her hands to the bed relaxing after she had her fingers wrapped firmly in my hair. I cannot move because her legs are still wrapped around my neck. I can barely inhale.

"Oh. Gods Yes. Keeping. The Beard." She managed. "Husband."

She looked over at Jessica and Helen, who are both sitting there with crossed legs watching in amusement.

"It's unanimous." Helen told me.

Morgan told them crossly "You two might have mentioned this earlier? Years ago? As in, I have been missing this? Pardon me but: FUCK! I cannot believe I have been so stupid. You said I was a dumbfuck. I really, really, really was. I am so much smarter now!"

Jessica rubbed her chin to indicate the beard. "He just grew that on the trip. We didn't know before that. Might have guessed, I suppose? I always did like beards."

"Not only the beard, although that is great. All of it! Sex with a Vampire. Him! Again, I say to you with all sincerity. FUCK! I think he learned all that other stuff from you all before now. Like the fang thing. Oh my god! I wish I had fangs! I had no idea what I am missing. Such a dumbfuck!"

Morgan looked puzzled, as near as I could tell from my position. All I can see is her torso and some of her face. "Wait. Did you two stop making love to watch us?"

"Oh, hell yes." Helen told her.

"I have not heard such unmitigated pleasure since he did that to me." Jessica told her. "That is damn fun to watch. Our wife. Our wife. I like that. Hey. Helen. We got Morgan!"

To Morgan, Jessica said: "You seem quite comfortable being in our bed and letting it all go. Good. This noisy stuff happens here a lot, in various combinations."

"Help?" I squeaked.

Morgan released me quickly "Oh. Gods. I am so sorry. I have never done this since I turned. Had sex I mean. Forgot about my new strength. Sorry!" She looked again at Helen and Jessica "You all must have to be extremely careful." Then in surprise "Oh.... Gods!!!!"

Morgan was chatting away so now that I am free I slid up her sweaty body and took advantage of her position. 

I can feel her body radiating heat from her orgasms. She was on a very short fuse for a while.

"Hi." I told her. "You are damn tasty Vampiress."

"Uh.. Hi?" Morgan responded, then re-wrapped her legs around me, and pulled me tight. I am where I want to be, and she is keeping me there.

"Stay put. Right there. At long last finally there. In me. All these years: all those lovers in Houston, and now I find out it is better with someone you love..." Morgan said. Morgan looked over at her wives. "I have no idea what is about to happen..."

"It's called sexual intercourse. Also fucking. We have a Kama Sutra in the Library I can show you." Jessica told her

"Not what I meant, Jessica. Goofball. I mean with this particular man. I think 'making love' is what I am going to call it. If I lose control, I have no idea how my pheromones will affect you. I know what his do. I inherited more than Adrian's Hypersensitivity and strength level. I am, like him, also particularly potent in the scent department. Once, when Adrian and I were driving, I was barely turned, we did an experiment and about came off the road. Top open and everything. I am older now: Presumably more powerful in the sexual attractants area. If we both lose it at the same time? You two might... Well. I do not know. When I was having those fabulous orgasms just now it was nearly impossible to keep skin control. Adrian has massive control, and a lot more practice at keeping it during sex. It's been so long and I have never made love since I turned! I don't know if I will be able to maintain my control or if I will be like I was on that fateful porch and completely white-out in lust. I will try not to lose it, however I make no promises. I want to let go so much!"

Helen and Jessica exchanged intrigued glances. "Please proceed." Jessica invited "because now I am curious."

"I as well." Helen assured Morgan. "Go on. It is our wedding night, our new wife. Let yourself go. Let him move. It's nicer that way. In and out. Friction. He's done it before. He knows what to do if you let him. We taught him more than the face between the legs things. You'll like it."

I did what Morgan suggested and extended my time sense. I wanted our first time to be a very long time. Every now and then I dropped into real-time to see what is going on, and at some point, I realized Morgan is not extending her time sense.  I have no idea how long that has been anymore. 

Morgan's body told me she is ready again. I have been focused in the slow time on how her extremely subtle responses gave me clues to what she wants, the angles she likes, when to speed up and when to slow down. When to tease her. For what seemed like several hours subjective time I focused solely on that, as well as enjoying myself. 

I am making love with Morgan. After all this time, she is here, with me.

She wrapped around me hard, to try to pull me into her. I had to use my Vampire strength to move at all against powerful legs. Morgan fought hard to not come which is why in part she is trying to stop me from moving. Her body says she is about to lose that battle. I stayed in real-time. I moved and changed the angle slightly to one she likes better. Morgan gasped, arched, shook, orgasmed strongly.

It was beautiful.

She lost her control and released Ultra-Vampire pheromones. I have not scented them in years, not since the experiment in the car, and they are powerful: electric even. I followed her over the edge, suddenly unable to think. What I did to her on that porch, she did to me now. Lust white-out she called it.

I was gone again, back into the slow time, but not intentionally. I went spinning back to there. Maybe was sent there is closer. The ultimate moment is frozen. Morgan arched. Fingers tearing at my arms. I can see in my peripheral vision that Jessica and Helen are freeze-framed in a lovemaking pose of their own, and the looks on their faces seem to be the same happy agony.

In slow motion, Morgan and I pulsed against each other in beautiful and agonizing waves. I am not sure if I released pheromones or not, because I am only in touch with pleasure. Mind controlling, mind-numbing pleasure.

I dropped without conscious volition back into real-time as we both collapsed onto the bed. I lay on top of Morgan gasping for breath. Seeing spots and hearing panting from everyone else.

I pulled back my upper body to look at her. Morgan's head tipped back into the pillow and her eyes are screwed shut. She is covered in sweat. Her hair damp. When her eyes opened, she looked at me, shaking her head in disbelief and wonder. "I am such a fool!" She berated herself. "I cannot believe I have been missing this, and for years! Years! Vampire sex is so much more than human. So much. No wonder Jessica cusses all the time. It is so god damn fucking GOOD. Thank the gods I finally got smart... I tingle everywhere..."

Morgan looked next door in the bed. Saw Helen and Jessica collapsed. Morgan asked, concerned: "You all OK? Uh. Did I lose it?". Morgan looked at the back of her hand, eyes slightly wider. "Oh. That is why my skin feels like that."

Helen rolled off Jessica. They are both covered in a sheen of sweat as well. "Girl. You are dangerous. I am so glad we married you. No one can ever know you are weapons-grade like he is. Fuck. Me."

Jessica pointed, still slightly breathless, at Helen. "What she said. I could not stop coming. It was awesome."

"So, Morgan. Your first time in a group. Your first time married. Your first time with me. Your first time bombing a group. Your first time helping Jessica and Helen reach the distant shores. A lot of firsts in your rearview mirror there. You OK?" I asked

"I may have quietly and subtly alluded to this already but I am mad at myself for waiting." She said. "I wish now you tried harder to convince me. Seduce me. It would not have taken much. I was already crazy about you. You could have, as they say 'done me a solid' and let me have this. All of this... so much sooner. I am still shaking."

"Everything in its time, Morgan. We have you now." I kissed her.

She whispered against my lips. "You most certainly do. Husband who I love and I can finally say it and show it."

She turned to Jessica "Also. Jessica. Helen. I may have mentioned this previously? FUCK!"

Missing Vampire: Reward Available (Hypernaturals 6)Where stories live. Discover now