Refraction Reflection

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We lay in bed feeding each other Cashews and talking about what to name Morgan's baby, whenever she arrived. Jessica wanted 'Kara', because it will be a Supergirl. Helen thought 'Sally' after my mother.

It is once again assumed Morgan's child will be a girl because, well, Vampire girls.

"You all don't think that Morgan being different from a standard-issue Vampire means she might have a different flavor baby?" I asked in a general way.

"You really want a son, don't you?" Helen accused.

I sighed. "Fuck No, Helen. for the millionth time: Wear your hair how you like. Give birth to the USA female fütball team. I do not care about either of those things, other than I do not want to have that many children and your hair being long is a PREFERENCE, not a demand. You are just mad because of how I shaved your legs. It was not an insult to how YOU did it. I just like my way BETTER. Fix it if you don't like it. Or get Jessica to do it. According to the rules, you can't. Daughters are terrific and they steal their daddies hearts. See Diana for details. What would I even do if we had a boy, and he wanted to do 'boy stuff'? Whatever that is? See ball games and play sports and shit. I don't do that stuff. I never played catch with my dad. We looked through telescopes and we talked about quantum field theory!"

"My dad raised a girl. He had to teach me about boys, why they looked at me that way, and menstrual cycles. Why girls wore makeup, though he had no idea." Morgan said.

I laughed at that idea. "I think a boy would be hard for me! Harder, anyway. I would LEARN, but I would not be a natural at it. I would start with lots of hugs and kisses still, and riff from there. You are the big competitor in this family, so I would lean on YOU, Helen. I am only curious what you all think about how Morgan being different might affect Vampire reproduction. That's it: You all ALWAYS assume it will be a girl when you are not even pregnant yet! Three little girls would be manna from heaven. I am questioning your assumptions is all."

Morgan rubbed her belly. "Never really thought about that. If I have a boy, I want to name her after my dad though."

"Her? Even YOU make the assumption!" I accused. Morgan screwed up her mouth at that.

We were interrupted by Fiona carrying in a huge tray. On it are piled twelve big, juicy, rare hamburgers, whole wheat buns, and all the fixings. Not a carbohydrate in view other than the buns. The tomatoes are amazing. The garden fresh kind of amazing. I wonder if somewhere out among the grapevines there is a garden. If there isn't, I am changing that.

Fiona is a Vampire that knows what other Vampires need to recharge their batteries. Also when to enter a room without interrupting sexplay. Vampire hearing. She inhaled, smiled, said "Fuel for the fun, lovers." and exited without editorial.

We fell on the food as if we did not partake in a wedding feast earlier in the evening.

As we each worked on our second burger, made our different ways depending upon taste, Morgan asked me directly. "So. Refraction time, my husband. You never answered. How long?"

Jessica touched Morgan's shoulder lightly. "I did everything I could, as a strong, century-plus age Vampire with thighs that you like to massage to make sure there is nothing left for you. I missed him, and I worked him hard and put him up wet. He could barely move when I was done with his male Vampire ass. I have needs. I still do. Mama wants MORE. I let you go first, to my credit, but also because I knew when I was done, he would be done for."

Morgan frowned. 

Jessica went on. "If history is any guide, it will be at least ten more minutes. It would have been longer but these hamburgers will work refraction period miracles. Milk is also good. Also, if history is any guide, not as if we have weekly weddings to know how to exactly calibrate this, this next round is going to be long and slow and lovely. Round three is my favorite, normally. I would have waited for it, but I couldn't. I also needed hard, not long. This particular time. Also, I saved my favorite round for you, because you are my new wife and I love you."

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