2. House of the Rising Son

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It's the next day and I woke up to an empty bed. I looked at the time and it's 6 am. I sat up from the bed and stared at the wall in front of me as many thoughts ran through my mind. I had thought if I woke up it all would have been a dream. But I didn't wake up in the mansion in Mystic Falls. I woke up in the bed of the plantation house in New Orleans. My phone starts ringing disrupting me from my thoughts. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Damon. I am going to tell him that I'm pregnant.


"Ava? Stefan is here with me."

How do I tell them that I'm pregnant?

"Congratulations. You and Stef are going to be an uncle." I said without any excitement.

"What?" They both ask confused in a calm voice.

"I'm pregnant."

"WHAT!" They both shouted and I stayed quiet so they can process it. "How? And-and from who?" Damon asks.

"Seriously, Damon?" I asked annoyingly.

"Obviously, Klaus." Stefan tells him.

"But, how?" Damon asks him.

"You know, the traditional way on how babies are made." I said as I laid back down on the bed.

I talked to them for another hour or so explaining everything that happened since my arrival in New Orleans. After I finished talking to them pull the blanket over me to go sleep when Nik walks in with a bed tray table.

"I made breakfast, love. Assuming that you're hungry." He says putting the tray on the bed.

The food looks good. I see that there are two plates and two glasses of orange juice. "I want to eat alone." I said not even looking at him.


"I just want to be alone." I said keeping my tears from forming.

"Please, don't push yourself away from me." Nik says sitting on the bed as he takes hold of my hand.

"Get out." I said moving my hand away from his. "I don't want to see you. I don't want to talk to you."

After a moment he stands up and leaves the room. I looked at the food and I lost my appetite. I didn't want to eat anything. So I just put the food on the nightstand and went back to sleep.


It's been a few days. I've talked to both Damon and Stefan every day since I got here in New Orleans. It was something new because every time we went our separate ways we never kept in touch. That was at least until something brought us back together.

It's nighttime and I'm in my talking with Hayley and I'm stuffing my face with food. Nik is somewhere downstairs. "You seem to be eating a lot these days." She smiles.

"Well, I am pregnant." I said grabbing a bunch of fries and shoved it into my mouth.

"How are you and Klaus?" She asks curiously taking a sip of her soda.

"I've been avoiding him just as much as he's been avoiding me these past few days."

I haven't seen Elijah which probably means Nik daggered him and he doesn't know that I know which is why he's avoiding me.

Hayley takes one of my fries and I slapped her hand away before she can grab it. "Yours are over there." I said pointing at the direction of her fries and she chuckles.

I heard a car pulling up and I looked at Hayley as we got off the bed and headed downstairs. As we walked down the stairs Hayley grabs a fire poker. The front door opens and I see Rebekah. I practically ran down the last few steps and gave her a bone-crushing hug.

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