5. Sinners and Saints

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I woke up in the middle of the night, hungry. Nik is sleeping beside with his around arms around me. I moved his arm away from me and pulled myself up and leaned against the headboard as I stared at the wall in front of me.

"Come back to sleep." I looked to see Nik with his eyes open.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"What's wrong, love?" He asks worriedly as he sits up.

"I'm just hungry. That's all. I'll just grab something to eat." I said and just as I was about to get off the bed when he stops me.

"I'll get it for you." He says as he placed a kissed on my cheek before getting off the bed, he puts on his pants before leaving the room.

About ten minutes later he comes back into the room with a bowl of fruits since it's the only thing I can keep down. Anything I eat or drink I throw it right back up.

"Thank you." I smiled as I took the bowl from his hands. I sat crisscross on the bed as I hold the bedsheet over my chest since I'm not wearing any clothes and Nik sits in front of me.

I began eating it as Nik watches me with a smile on his face. "You've grown quite an appetite."

"I'm pregnant, remember?" I asked and he smiles.

I grabbed a strawberry and hold it near his mouth. He was about to take it with his mouth when I pulled it away and ate it myself. I giggled as I wiped my mouth. He kissed me as he took another strawberry and then eats it.

"Hey! That was mines." I said making him laugh and he takes another strawberry and holds it between his teeth. He leans for me to take it and when I do he takes it in making me kiss him. I looked at him with a smile and he laughs as he ate the strawberry.

Pregnancy hormones. I'm four months pregnant. One minute I want to eat everything in sight and the next minute I want to tear his clothes off.

I looked at him for a moment before I kissed him softly and instantly it turned into a heated make-out session. I pulled away, breathless, and I looked at him in the eyes. "Close the door." I said and he looks at to see if he heard right. "Close it."

In a blink of an eye, Nik closed the door and came right back on the bed as he puts the bowl on the nightstand before kissing me again. He pulls the bedsheet away before he pushes me flat on the bed as he leaves a trail of kisses down my chest and towards my stomach. He looked up to me before he kisses me again and I let myself give in.


Hours later, I woke up to see Nik grabbing a rose from the bouquet of roses he got me the other day. He traced the head of the rose up my leg, over my hip, and up my arm before giving it to me. I smiled as I took it from him.

"That was delicious fun." Nik says giving me kisses as he recalled what happened just hours ago. "Morning, love."

"Morning." I whispered as I kiss him back and I pulled him back to bed.

"Does this mean you forgive me?" Nik asks while kissing my neck.

"Nope." I said popping the 'p' and I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling.

Ava Rose Mikaelson | The Originals Where stories live. Discover now