20. A Closer Walk with Thee

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I woke up when I heard Nik gasping. I open my eyes to see his back facing him. He hasn't had a nightmare in a very long time. I put my arm around him to cuddle him and he holds my hand tightly.

"You know, I would very much like to be the one doing this to you right now."

"You take what you can get." I said and he chuckles. After a moment he hops to the other side of me and gets under the blankets."What are you doing?"

"You take what you can get." Nik says as he cuddles me. He put his hand under my shirt and over my stomach. "I can't wait to see her."

"Neither can I." I smiled before I turned to my other side to look at him. "Nik, I never said I was sorry for everything that I did... about not telling you I had two kids before I met you, that I lied about who I was when I first met you in 1863. I am sorry. The grief. I let it control me. I let it control what I did. I didn't want anyone to come close to me... to find out about my past. I thought if anyone found out what had happened to me because I thought they would change how they would act around me... they would walk around eggshells. Whenever it was just the two of us you somehow brought out the real me. The last thing I expected was to fall in love. I stop letting the grief control me and it become apart of me."

"I'm glad things happened the way they did because if not, we wouldn't even having a child of our own." Nik says and I smiled, softly, because I am happy that the things happened the way they did. "I love you, Ava. I do."

"No one loves me better than you." I said as I stroke his cheek and kissed him. Our foreheads touch and we stayed there with our eyes closed for a long moment. I open my eyes to look at him with a smile. "I was thinking we could have the baby here."

"At the compound?" Nik asks and I nodded. He thinks for a moment before saying, "Okay, let's do it."

"You know, last week I don't was I thinking but I thought you didn't find me attractive anymore." I said and he looks at me confused. "It's stupid. I know."

"What would make you think that?"

"The last time we were together my baby bump was small. It was growing every day and I thought you didn't..."

He cuts me off my crashing his lips against mine. "You look beautiful. You always have." Nik whispers in my ear and starts placing kisses down my neck. "Stunning." He says, leaving marks on my skin and my breathing becomes heavier. "Ravishing." He placed a kiss on my shoulder. "Sexy."

I felt something move so I looked at my belly. "She's awake." I said as I put my hand over my stomach and felt her kick. "Our little girl."

"Ours." Nik smiles, he looks like he's about to shed a tear or two.

"So, tell me. What was your dream about?"

"We went to St. Anne's church for Father Kieran's funeral. You sat down and I sat next to you. I heard a noise from inside the coffin so I got up and open the coffins and there was an infant in there. But before I could grab her I got stabbed with the white oak and when I turned around it was... Mikael. My fears of fatherhood, of scarring my child as my father scarred me, are manifesting as nightmares."

"You're going to be a good father. I know it." I assured him with a kiss.

"How will you know for sure?"

"Because if not, I will kick your ass." I said and he smiles.

"I'm also sure you're going to an amazing mother."

Ava Rose Mikaelson | The Originals Where stories live. Discover now