22. From a Cradle to a Grave

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FlashbackI'm sitting on a rocking chair in the nursery and I'm writing a letter when Nik walks in and leans against the doorway

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I'm sitting on a rocking chair in the nursery and I'm writing a letter when Nik walks in and leans against the doorway. "Writing a love letter to one to me?" Nik asks and we both smiled at each other. "Or is it a letter for your brothers to make sure they're okay?"

"Nope." I smiled and he laughs. "It's for someone else... someone I love."

"You love?" Nik asks, smiling, wondering who it might be. Sometimes he can be clueless.

My smile turned into a laugh and I let out a small gasp when the baby kicks. "Oh!"

Nik walks toward me, looking concerned. "How is our littlest wolf?"

"Do you want to...?" I ask as I rubbed my belly. Nik steps back, looking nervous, but I gave him a look. "Come on. She just started kicking days ago and you've been afraid. Nothing is going to happen. Promise."

I hold out my hand and he takes it. I put his hand over my belly with my hand over his. He's startled when he feels the baby kick. "You feel that?"

We both laugh in amazement, but after a moment, he stands up. "Well, then I'll leave you to your secret letter, then." He says and kisses me. "I love you."

"Another." I smile and he kisses me again. "Another."

He kisses me a couple more kisses before I looked at him in the eyes. "I love you, too."

He smiles as he gives me another kiss before leaving the nursery. After he left I continued writing.

"Dear Lila...or Bay... or Alessia... To my baby, my little girl. Your dad just asked if this was a love letter. I guess it kind of is. I thought I'd write to you, so you can know how happy I am at this very moment. How much your father and I can't wait to meet you.

I'm will promise that you will have all the things that me or my brothers never had growing up. A safe home, someone to tell you that they love you every single day, and someone to fight for you, no matter what. In other words, a family. And your family loves you.

You have so many people who love you. My brothers love you, Uncle Damon and Uncle Stefan. Auntie Bex loves you. Uncle Elijah loves you. Aunt Hayley loves you. Your half-sister Gracie loves you. I'm very sure Uncle Kol loves you... wherever he is. Your father loves you more than all of them combine but I love you the most.

Always and Forever.

Your mom."
End of Flashback

The witches put me on a table and I screamed as they held me down. "Let go of me, you son of a bitch!"

The more pain I felt the more I screamed. I couldn't let my baby be born... not now. Not when the witches want to sacrifice her. Every time I closed my legs these witches would open them. I screamed louder and louder for my husband.

Ava Rose Mikaelson | The Originals Where stories live. Discover now