10. The Casket Girls

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Today everyone is celebrating the legendary Casket Girls. I'm not the one to participate in these kinds of things but Rebekah asked me to. So here I am wearing an old white dress. I stood in front of the mirror and I stared at myself for a moment when I saw Nik walking into the room and when he saw me an instant smile appears on his face.

"You look stunning, love."

"This dress barely fits me. I'm getting bigger and bigger everything. I am so emotional. My fingers are sausages. My feet are swollen. I might as well be the next big foot." I said and Nik starts laughing. "That wasn't supposed to be funny."

"I know. I know." He says, failing to hold his laughter.

"And my boobs hurt. And they're really big." I said and I start to cry. "And I'm really hungry. I don't even know why I'm crying. I'm like a big baby."

Nik pulls me into a hug which instantly calms my emotions. I closed my eyes as I took a deep breath in and exhaled. "Thank you." I sniffled as I pulled away from the hug.

"I got you something." Nik says and pulls out something from his pocket. I saw that it was a small velvet ring box. He opens it and I saw it my wedding rings. "I hope you're still not angry with me."

"I'm not. Not anymore. These past few weeks I've just been overly emotional." I said and he smiles. "Like I was seconds ago. I won't fit me, remember?"

"I had it resized." He says and I give him a look. "I'll get it resizes as many times as needed."

I pulled him into a longing kiss when we both felt something. I pulled away and my put hand over my stomach, "That was just our baby." I said and he put his hand over my stomach before kissing me again.

I felt his hand on my dress and he was ready to pull it off because it wasn't zipped but stopped him, "Not now."

"Do you like some help?" Nik asks, smiling and I nodded as I turned around. He zips my dress up and put his hand over my waist, I closed my eyes and I could hear myself breathing.

I shake my head I turn to look at him. "Just because your making my hormones shoot out of the roof doesn't mean I'm going to have sex with you."

He looks at me for a short moment with a smirk on his face when he suddenly grabs me by the waist. He stares into my eyes before crashing his lips against mines but I quickly pushed him away and I looked at him for a second before I grabbed him by the shirt, pulling him down towards me and kiss him. I pushed onto the bed and climbed on top of him. I was about to kiss him again when he turns us over, pinning my hands above my head.

He looks me in the eyes before his eyes traveled down my body, "You do look stunning." He smirks making me smile and I put my hand behind his neck, pulling him down toward me and he kisses me.


I laid back down on the bed, breathing heavily and Nik laid right next to me. "Makeup sex is always great." He says and I roll my eyes playfully at him.

"Rebekah will be mad that the dress she gave me is all torn up." I said and he smiles.

"We should stay here in bed all day long." He smirks.

"Can't. I'm hungry and I need a shower. And I'm hungry. I already said that but I am. But first I need to take a nap." I said as closed my eyes and quickly enough I felled asleep.


After I woke up, I took a shower and changed back into normal, comfortable clothes and had breakfast. I threw away the dress because it was in shreds. I saw Rebekah watching Nik, Elijah, and Marcel as they got ready to search for Davina.

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