8. The River in Reverse

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I'm sitting in a bathtub filled with water. I have my eyes closed and I hear footsteps approaching me. I know it's Nik so I kept my eyes close. "Good morning, love."


"I know you're angry and I..."

"I'm not angry." I told him.

"You're not?" He asks, confusingly.

"Not anymore. Being angry makes me stressed and being stressed isn't good for our daughter." I said and I opened my eyes to see him without a shirt on.

"Do you mind if I join you?" Nik smirks, ready to take off his pants.

"Yes, I do mind." I said, stopping him from taking them off. "I want to be alone and I want to relax."

"Relax you say?" He smirks and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Is there anything else is in your mind besides sex?" I asked and he chuckles.

"Breakfast is ready."

"I'll be there shortly." I told him and he nods. He walks out of the bathroom but stops and turns to look at me.

"I love you." Nik says and I stayed quiet for a short moment.

"I know." I said and he smiles before leaving the bathroom. I laid back against the tub before I closed my eyes once again.

Twenty minutes later I got out of the bathtub and walked into my closet and changed into clean clothes. After I was done, I walked out of the closet and into my bedroom. I stood in front of the large rectangular mirror that's leaning against the wall.

"Hey, baby." I smiled softly as I had my hand over my belly. "I really, really love you."

I stared at my stomach for another minute or so when I notice a brand new bouquet of red roses. I walked over to them and I put my hand over them. I leaned in and took its scent. I noticed a small white card and I wanted to read it but I didn't.

I walked towards the door and I stopped to look at the note sitting on top of the furniture

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I walked towards the door and I stopped to look at the note sitting on top of the furniture. I grabbed the note and I opened it to read it.

I love you, Ava. Much more than yesterday. More than tomorrow and the day after. I'm sorry if I ever let you down. It was never my intention to hurt you. You're the best thing life ever gave me. You and our unborn child. I love you. Always and Forever.

He always had a way with words. I'll give him that. I put the note back down before leaving the room and went downstairs.

I walked into the dining room when Rebekah looks at me. "There you are! The food is getting cold and I was getting bored." She says and I smiled at her.

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