21. The Battle of New Orleans

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"You wanna know what I was thinking? When the morning comes in like three hours we should eat like chicken... fried chicken to be exact. For lunch, I want a burger. Then for dinner, we could have steak or something. There's a deli downtown that has delicious foods there."

It's almost six in the morning and I haven't slept in all night.


"Love. I love it when you call me love. It's like my second name or something. You use it more frequently at the beginning of a sentence than at the end when you're talking to me."

"Love, go to sleep. You've been talking for four hours straight."

"I'm not tired." I said and continued talking about foods. "Then tomorrow for breakfast I want eggs and bacon. For tomorrow's lunch, I want something greasy and delicious..."

"Okay, I'm awake." Nik says as he sat up from the bed. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. The baby's awake so I'm awake. Do we have pie? I really want pie." I said and Nik looks at me for a moment before he smiles.

"Let's go somewhere."


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Nik and I are at the beach and we're sitting on the shore as we watch the waves go in and out. We're reminiscing about the old times.

"Do you remember what it was like when we got married?" I asked him. "It felt like we've done something crazy yet it was the best decision I ever made."

"It was. I remember you saying 'are we here? Married?' You didn't believe it yourself." Nik says and I smiled.

"Why did it take you 10 years to propose?" I asked. "Not that I was waiting for it or anything."

"I afraid you might say no."

"Most men would say will you marry me? but you said marry me. Like you were making sure I wouldn't say no." I smiled at Nik.

"Would you have said... no?" He asks, slowly.

"No, my answer would have been yes either way." I said and he kisses me.

"Why did you reject me so many times before we were together?" Nik asks and I smiled.

"Maybe I wanted to see how long I could keep you interested."

"You did." Nik says as he placed a kiss on my neck and then whispers in my ear, "In bed." I shoved him playfully and he laughs. "I've lost you and gotten you back so many times that I'm never letting you again."

I smiled at him as I laid my head on his shoulder. He grabs my hand and intertwined our fingers. "Do you remember how we used to talk about if there was a world without the supernatural that we would want to be human and be together?"

Ava Rose Mikaelson | The Originals Where stories live. Discover now