6. Fruit of the Poisoned Tree

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It's the next morning and I walking down the stairs as I made my way towards the kitchen. I had my hand over my stomach that's growing every day. I see Elijah and Nik in the living room and there's a dead body on the floor.

"Morning, love." Nik smiles.

"Morning." I smiled as he stands up and follows me into the kitchen. I open the door to the fridge when I felt his arms wrapped around me from behind, he kisses my cheek making me smile. "Well, you're in a good mood." I said as I turned around to face him.

"I am

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"I am." Nik says pulling me closer to him and kisses me. He picks me up and turns us around and sets me on top of the counter. I heard someone clear their throat making us pull away and I looked to see Hayley.

"Um, hey." She says awkwardly and I too smiled awkwardly at her. I got off the counter as just as Elijah walks in.

"Good morning." He says, smiling as he leans in the doorway.

"Hey." Hayley smiles as I opened the fridge taking out a box of cold pizza from last night. I set the box on the counter and took out a slice of pizza.

I took a bite out of it when Rebekah enters through the back door, dragging a trashcan behind her, "You're eating cold pizza?"

"If you want to cook for me, Bekah, I wouldn't mind." I smiled at her as Nik smirks at me.

Nik kissed my cheek and grabs my left hand as he looks at it. "Where are your rings?"

"It was cutting off my circulation. One of the perks of being pregnant. None of my shoes fit and my fingers have turned into sausages." I said and Hayley lets out a small laugh. "Can you guys add almond milk to the grocery list? I don't like regular milk. The smell makes me want to vomit. I've had enough of vomiting these past few weeks."

"Speaking of, add bleach." Rebekah says as she walks through the kitchen and into the living room to clean up the mess.

"You know, I do hope my siblings were hospitable to you in my absence." Elijah says to Hayley. Nik and I watched them.

"In your absence, as you like to call it—which is a way-too-polite way of saying that your brother put a dagger in your heart. I've had to live in a house with a secret dungeon full of coffins. Ava has been attacked by French Quarter vampires and was nearly murdered by witches who are convinced her baby is Lucifer."

"I think it's a good thing. I do hate witches." I added which made Nik laugh as he pulls out the carton of almond milk out the fridge. "Oh... thank you."

"Back to the murderous witches. I have some concerns..." Elijah trails off.

"I want them dead."

"They will be, love, but first we need to get your life unlink to Sophie." Nik says as he puts his arm around me.

"Yes, I think it's time we took care of that little problem." Elijah says and we both looked at him.

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