4. Girls in New Orleans

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I spent the whole morning spilling my guts into the toilet with Nik beside me holding my hair back. We're now in our room laying down next to each other. I laid my head on his bare chest as he runs his fingers through my hair.

"You hired her as your therapist?" I asked as he told me about Cami the bartender.

"Stenographer. If we're being specific." Nik says and I smiled at him. "Someone should know our great love story."

"Have you found any link between her and Scarlet?"

"Without a last name, there wasn't much to find. In all your years in Italy you never once asked for her last name?" Nik asks curiously.

"No. She never told me or anyone for that matter. Cami does look a lot like her."

"She does. Enough with the Cami and Scarlet talk." Nik says and I sat up to look at him confusingly. "I cleared my whole schedule to spend time with you today."

"You had to clear your schedule to spend time with me, your pregnant wife?" I asked looking offended and he looks like he doesn't know what to say. "What are we doing?"

"Well, I was thinking you can stay here in bed maybe with a little less clothing." Nik smirks and I give him a look. "I would stand over there." He says pointing at the canvas that's already set up. "I'll paint you for hours while we have one of our talks."

"Or maybe we can both stay in bed with a little less clothing." I smirk and he raised his eyebrows as he didn't expect to say that but isn't opposed to it. "Yeah, painting and talking sound nice."

He smiles as he got off the bed and walks over to the canvas. "So, are you going to put this painting in an art gallery?" I asked knowing he wouldn't.

"Although I do agree that beauty should be shown to the world this painting is just going to be for me and as a gift for you." Nik says smirking.

"A nude painting of me as a gift for... me. Sounds nice." I said and he smiles.

The whole day he painted me and we were talking for hours about everything. How to bring Elijah back, what are we going to name our child, what does our child need and many more things.

 How to bring Elijah back, what are we going to name our child, what does our child need and many more things

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Hayley and I are sitting in the living room and Agnes, one of the French Quarter witches, is trying to convince to go to the doctors.

"I tried to kill you, Agnes. Why are you worried about my well-being?" I asked suspiciously.

"Because Sophie asked me too and you are overdue for a checkup."

Ava Rose Mikaelson | The Originals Where stories live. Discover now