16. Farewell to Storyville

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I came back to the bayou because I don't know where Nik, Rebekah, and Elijah are at. I don't even know where to look so here I am at the bayou. Hayley sees me and she walks over to me and I notice Ileana isn't here. "Hey, where's Ileana?" I asked Hayley.

"She left."

"She left? To where?" I asked, confusingly.

"To Mystic Falls." Hayley says and I looked at her surprised.

"No, no, no. I haven't told my brothers about her."

"That she's your daughter from a hundred years ago?" Hayley says because I didn't tell her anything. "She filled me in on everything."

"I'm sorry. A lot has been going on. It's tiring explaining the same thing to everyone. Again, again, and again."

"She left to Mystic Falls because Katherine is actually alive... just possessing Elena Gilbert's body."  Hayley says and I looked at her, confused.

"Can I borrow your phone?"

"What happened to yours?" Hayley asks and I pulled out my broken phone. She looks at me confusingly before handing me her phone and I dialed my brother's number.

After a couple of rings, he answers, "What?"

"Geez, Damon, what's gotten into you?"

"Sorry, I didn't realize it was you, Ava."

"Yeah, um, my phone is broken."

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"A lot, really." I said as I walked away from Hayley to talk to my brother more in private. "Almost got burned alive by witches. Nik got kidnap by witches..."

"Shouldn't it be hybrid-napped?" Damon asks and I chuckled. I knew he was trying to make me laugh.

"He got hybrid-napped. Then we found out that Rebekah lured Mikael to New Orleans which as you know forced us to run. Elijah stabbed Nik with the Papa Tunde's Blade which causes excruciating pain. Now Nik is pissed at both Rebekah and Elijah. I know he won't kill her. I know him well enough he won't do that. But he is so angry and he feels betrayed by Rebekah."

"Where they are right now?"

"I have no idea." I answered, honestly. "Hey, um, Stefan told me that Katherine was dead but then I heard she wasn't."

"She not. She's sort of possessing Elena's body."

"Question, has a girl come by.... she goes by Ileana Grace?"

"No, why?"

"Will you let me know if she comes by?"


"Thank you. Now I have to go on a city-wide hunt for my husband. I'll call you soon." I said before hanging up.

If Katherine is possessing Elena's body then she also must have Elena's phone. I then dialed her number and it went straight to voicemail.

"Hey, Katherine. Um, it's Ava. I heard you were still alive and that Grace went to see you." I said and I leaned against the tree. "I've been getting to know her for these past weeks and she reminds me a lot of myself when I was human but she also reminds me of Dominic. Like they both eat the crust of the toast first or that they play with anything that's in front of them when they're nervous. It's little things like that, that remind me of him. I don't want to be reminded of him but I have to accept the fact that she's also Dominic's daughter, too."

I walked over to a chair and sat down on it. "I want to get to know her. I want to know everything that she loves and everything that she hates. I guess I should be thanking you for protecting her all these years. You could have used her against me or use her to stop Klaus from going after you but you didn't. Maybe in a way, you cared for her and maybe she was your family all these years. We were friends, once upon a time. You were a great friend if I'm being honest. That's if we're excluding the fact that you were sleeping with both of my brothers. You helped me get through a lot of stuff that I probably wouldn't have gotten through on my own. Do you remember that time you forced me to jump off that cliff with the ocean below? It was fun to feel alive again. So, thank you... and goodbye, Katherine."

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