18. The Big Uneasy

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"What are you doing up?"

I turned around to see Nik walking over to me. He's only wearing his pants. It's almost four in the morning. I woke up for a snack and now I'm washing dishes.

"I couldn't sleep because I was hungry. So I ate and now I'm washing dishes to see if that gets me tired enough to sleep."

"What did you eat?" He asks as he leans against the counter and I pointed behind him so he turns to look. "Chinese food?"

"Mhm." I smiled. "There was a restaurant open so I order in and now I'm full."

"Let me help." Nik says as he stood next to me.

"It's fine. I..."

I went to move my hair away because it was covering half my face and I couldn't see but then I saw that there was soap on my hands.

"Here." Nik says as he runs his fingers through my hair and pushes it back so I can see.

We looked at each other for a short before we both leaned in to kiss one another and we kissed each other eagerly. He looks at me with a smirk before he vamp-speeds us to our room.


A couple of hours later I'm lying in bed with Nik next to me. He's brushing his fingertips over my waist. "Stop. It tickles." I said as I put my hand over his to stop him and he smiles.

"It seems that I've worn you out." Nik says and I chuckled as he pulls me closer and gives me a soft kiss.

"The wolves are blindly trusting me because of my biological father... Oliver is the only one who's suspicious."

"Kill him." Nik suggests.

"Can't. He might be useful. I'm suspicious about Jackson. He's up to something. He's been telling me about how to be the leader of wolves but nothing of my father."

"Your father was a unique werewolf... a powerful one." Nik says and I looked at him confusingly.

"What do you mean about unique and powerful?"

"Back then the Crescent wolves didn't fight to become Alpha... it was through bloodline. But your father was different than any wolves I've ever seen. He was able to retract his werewolf fangs at will." Nik explains and I'm both shocked and confused.

"He was able to turn at will?"

"No. You can't get out of turning. Somehow he was able to retract his werewolf fangs anytime he wanted meaning his bite was lethal to vampires 24/7. I don't know much of him but I'll find out for you."

"So that's why Jackson wants me to be Alpha... because of my father and now I have to live up to what he achieved."

"I think with him choosing you as their Alpha, with him being betrothed to Hayley, and the moonlight rings, they will become superiors to the vampires."

"Let's just hope that he doesn't tell Hayley anything." I said and Nik nods in agreement.

I noticed the envelope on the nightstand. It was from Katherine and I haven't read it. So I grabbed it and read it.

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