13. Crescent City

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"Well, this is an interesting turn of events."

"Tell me about it." I said as I rolled my eyes. "So, Camille, I hope you're still not angry at me for that argument we had."

"You call bashing my head in an argument?" Cami asks and I shrugged my shoulders.

"More or less. I just needed someone to talk to... a professional. You seemed to know a little something about something."

"You coming to me as your therapist?" She asks and I nodded with a smile. "Have you ever been to one?"

"Yes, I have. I stared at the lady for two years straight before I opened up and then she died 6 years later of old age and so did my secrets. You'll die of old age soon enough so I'm not worried."

"Just have a seat and tell me what's on your mind."
Cami said and I sat on her sofa.

"I found out that my first child from over a hundred years ago has been alive this whole time. She was kept secret." I said and Cami opens her mouth to say something but I continued talking. "By whom you may ask? My ex-best friend."


"What did you tell Klaus when he asked you if you wanted to talk to her?" Cami asks

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"What did you tell Klaus when he asked you if you wanted to talk to her?" Cami asks. We've been talking for a while now. I've told her everything that happened that led up to this moment.

"I told him I didn't want to intervene in her life..." I trailed off.

"But...?" Cami asks and I closed my eyes and sighed because I'm embarrassed for what I'm about to say.

"But in reality, I didn't want her to intervene in my life. It was going to be me, Nik, and our baby. And now..."

"And now you have Grace. Who is Grace's father?"

"My brother's best friend Dominic." I said and Cami looks surprised. "I'm done calling him my ex-boyfriend. Actually, he wasn't my boyfriend and I wasn't his girlfriend. I was the side chick. He was getting married to someone else."

"What?" Cami asks even more surprise.

"In my 15-year-old mind, I thought it was better for me to be the girl he cheated with than the girl he cheated on."

"Do you think you still might have some feelings for him?" Cami asks and I literally laughed.

"No. I hate the guy. I killed him and I want nothing to do with him."

"Meaning you don't want nothing to do with Grace."

"No...? Yes? I don't know. Everything feels like a dream. I loved Grace and I still do. I always will. But the Grace that's at the compound is someone I don't know... a stranger."

"Then get to know her." Cami says and I looked at her as if she's joking.


"Get to know her, Ava. If you don't want her to be a stranger than get to know her. Start it out as if she's someone who could be your friend."

Ava Rose Mikaelson | The Originals Where stories live. Discover now