Past Battle

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WARNING THOUGH! If you did not read or finish the first book. Then there are spoilers in this chapter to the first book Endelox. Enjoy the chapter. This one is like a flashback, but from a different P.O.V! :)


Robert's P.O.V

Seto puts his hands up. His eyes are purple and a big circle forms at his feet. It is purple. His magic is purple after all. It starts glowing. Seto starts talking some weird language. I begin to hear talking. It sounds like Sky, Oliver, and Ty. 

"I got this Sky!" Oliver yells. He is fighting some creatures. 

"Sky you can't! You will hurt yourself even more!" Someone yells. That sounded like Ty. Suddenly Enderlox shows up. Sky shows up. This was the battle. The ground is crack and demons are everywhere. Oliver is fighting then. Rain comes down. This is what they went though to save us. I look at Sky. His arm is turning black and his eyes are glowing white. A black ring is around him. 

"Ty i'm sorry!" Sky yells. Sky runs at Enderlox. Enderlox has a ring around him. Sky goes over the ring and his hand is on Enderlox's chest. 

"You wouldn't dare!" Enderlox yelled. Enderlox grabs Sky's arm. 

"I would!" Sky said. 

"You'll DIE!" Enderlox yelled. That catches my attention. Whatever Sky did was suppose to kill him. But it didn't. Sky looks like his hands are in Enderloxs chest. Enderlox is grabbing Sky's arms. They are covered in scratches. Suddenly Enderlox and Ty are split apart. Sky catches Ty. Enderlox hits the ground. Sky lys Ty on the ground. He throws his sword at Enderlox. It hits his wing. Then Sky, Enderlox, and Ty start fainting. It seems to be skipping parts. 

"Sky your arm!" Ty yells. Sky's arm is black. And it is growing up his arm. Sky goes on his knees.

"Oh no." Jason said. I look at him. 

"What?" Jason runs towards Seto. 

"Seto stop!" Jason yells. He grabs Seto. His pushes his hands down. The circle disappears. Ty, and Sky disappear.  Jason catches Seto.

"What is wrong with him?" Someone asks. 

"Don't worry. Seto just overused. He just needs some rest to replenish his magic. Robert come here." Jason said. I run next to him. 

"I can take him." 

"No I got him. But you might want for you guys to be on high alert." Jason said. 

"Why? What is coming at us?" Jason puts Seto on his back. 

"This is worse then we thought." Jason said. 


"If Sky's arm turned black. Then he did die from the spell. Then he came back." Jason said. 

"Came back. How can someone come back from the dead?" That is impossible. Isn't it? Of course it is. Unless they found a way to escape death. 

"We found a way. Trust me. Well I can't tell you what we are up against. Because we don't know what or who it is. But just stay on high alert from now on." Jason said. 

I know that this is a short chapter. I will maybe put up another one today! 


A Deadly Coma (A Skybrine story): Book 2 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now