Black Vines

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The video has nothing to do with this chapter. I was just listening to it and I thought maybe the song has something to do with this. The amv which is Black Rock Shooter has nothing to do with this. Only the song. The song is Hero by Skillet. It was remix by AMVzRus. The title is Amv-Black-Rock-Shooter-Hero. Go on Youtube for it. AMVzRus is really good. Listen to the orginal song by Skillet too. Thanks! 


Tay's P.O.V

OK now what to do is what I keep asking myself. Seto told us what the plan is but I am doubting it a little bit. But it will work. I hope. I open a door. I see Mitch sitting in a chair. Is he sleeping? I walk across from him. Mitch has his arms on the table and his head is on his arms. He is ontop of a book. I pull on the book. Mitch grabs my arm. I almost scream. Mitch looks at me. 

"My god Mitch. You almost gave me a heartattack." He lets go of my arm. 

"Sorry Tay." Mitch said. I look at the book. Mitch closes it. 

"What's the book?" 

"It's nothing." Mitch said. He stands up and walks out the door. I follow him. 

"Mitch wait up." Mitch stops. I stop next to him. 

"Yea?" Mitch asks. I look at him. What was I going to say? I knew it. But when I looked into his eyes, I forgot everything. 

"I forgot." Mitch smiles. 

"Happens to the best of us." Mitch said. Ghost and Jess stop next to me. 

"Hey Mitch." Ghost said. 

"Hey." Jess said. 

"Hey you guys." I want for them to leave. 

"Hey Mitch we need you." Jerome said. I look behind me. Jerome is there. 

"See ya." Mitch said. He walks pass me. 

"See ya." I look at them. 

"Tay your face is red." Ghost said. What?! My eyes widen. 

"Ahh. Tay likes Mitch." Jess said. I look at her. 

"I do not." We look at Mitch and Jerome. 

"I am not surprise. You two have a lot in common." Ghost said. I look at her. 

"How do you know?" 

"I don't. But hey good luck with Mitch." Ghost said. Good luck with Ty. They leave me. I am standing in the middle of the hallway. I lean on the wall and sink to the floor. They are wrong. I don't like Mitch. No way. Ghost and Jess are wrong. But they have a point. He's cute, but I am out of my league. He would want a recruit or someone that is not me. I see Jerome and Mitch coming. They walk pass me. They stop and look at me. 

"You okay Tay?" Mitch asks. 

"I'm fine." He said something to Jerome and then Jerome leaves. He looks at me. 

"Are you sure?" Mitch asks. I'm fine. But I would guess that I am not at the same time. 

"No." Mitch sits next to me. 

"What's the problem?" He asks. I look at him. I need to say something. But I get loss in his eyes. I look at the ground. 

"Never mind. It's stupid." 

"It's stupid if you don't tell me." Mitch said. I laugh. I don't know why I laugh. It just seem funny to me. I look at him. 

"Do you think that you should change just for one person to like you?" 

"No." Mitch said. 


"Because being yourself is something special. If you like someone and you think that you should change for them. You shouldn't change. Be yourself. If they don't like you then they are not meant for you. Besides why change Tay? I don't know you very well. But I can already say that Tay is a pretty cool girl." Mitch said. I turn my head. I can feel myself blushing. 

"Thanks. Can I ask you something?" 

"Sure." Mitch said. 

"What do you like in girls?" I look at him. 

Mitch's P.O.V

I thought we were talking about Tay not me. I never gave it a thought before. But I do know.

"I don't care about what she looks like. She can be strong, smart, brave, funny, kind to others, and is fun to be around." I look at Tay. 

"No looks huh. Wow. I thought that you would care about looks." Tay said. I would care about looks. 

"Looks are just a bonus." I have a bad feeling all of a sudden. I look down the hall. Something doesn't feel right. 

"Mitch whats up?" Tay asks. I stand up slowly.  I keep my eyes glued to down that hallway. Something or someone is here. 

"Something does not feel right." Tay stands up. I see something coming towards us. Before Tay could move, I push her to the ground. I try to move out of the way. But it hits my arm. What the? I scream. It feels like my arm is on fire. I look at it. It's all bloody and my sleeve is all ripped up. I hold my arm. Something hits my leg. What is that?! It feels like someone stabbed my leg. What is hitting me? I go on my good knee. 

"Mitch you okay?" Tay asks. I look up. My eyes widen. Well this won't end well for me. There is something coming at me. It grabs me. Is this vines. What?! Tay stands up and tries to goet it off of me. One grabs my foot and I go to the ground. One grabs Tay. We are being pulled in. I grab Tay's hand and with my other hand I grab a hold of the wall. Once pressure is apply to my arm. I scream. She is holding my bad arm. The one that feels like it is on fire. I look behind us. My eyes widen.

"What is it Mitch?" Tay asks. It's huge. It looks like a Leaf monster. But how did it get in here. Vines I should have know what these are from. It uses it vines to pull it's meal in. Tay and I are the meal. 

"You don't want to know." 

"Why not?" Tay asks. I hear footsteps coming from behind us. I feel a strong yank on my arm. I grit my teeth. My god. It feels like my arm is on fire and being stabbed repeatly. I see heels stopping next to me. Black heels. I look up. I see a woman with ripped black clothes and red eyes. What the hell is this?

"And you are?" 

"A servant of Herobrine." She said. Ok thats helpful. How did she get in the base?

"How did you get in here unoticed?" She kneels down next to me. 

"You know Mitch. I have ways. My. My. Why let a pretty face go to waste? But scarlett is hungrey. Have fun." She said. She kisses my cheek and walks away. 

Tay's P.O.V

I am holding on to Mitch's bad arm. The lady kisses Mitch and leaves. Oh come on. Was the kiss needed? I am not looking behind us. But I am putting a lot of pressure on Mitch's bad arm. 

"Whats the plan?" Mitch looks behind us.

"Well we can either get eaten by a hungrey monster." Mitch said. Monster! I look behind us. Mitch is right. A huge thing is coming towards us. 


"Or you can listen to me." Mitch said. I look at him. The way I look at it I have no choice on the matter. 

"I will listen to you." Mitch is holding on to the walls. 

"Now ok." Mitch said. 

"You have no idea on what to do. Do you?" 

"Nope." Mitch said. 

A Deadly Coma (A Skybrine story): Book 2 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now