Fight it Sky!

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Sky's P.O.V

"Herobrine." He smiles. I hear a scream from the north. Ty.

"Looks like Ty has gotten my little present for him." Herobrine said.

"What did you do to him?"

"I gave him an old friend back. You know. Enderlox." Herobrine said. My eyes widen.

"No." Yes he did Sky. Ty is Enderlox again. This can't be true.

"Yes Sky." Herobrine said.

"I killed Enderlox. He's dead," Herobrine laughs.

"I have ways to bring back the dead. Enderlox will listen to me. Skybrine will listen to me." Heorbrine said.

"The only way to get Skybrine out is to kill me." Herobrine smiles. If I am right Herobrine won't hurt me. Herobrine points his sword at me.

"That can be arrange." Herobrine said. I look at him. I grab his blade and put it on my chest. Right at my heart. I can feel the point of the sword on my skin.

"Do it then." Yes. Herobrine do it. Kill him let me out! Herobrine looks at me.

"Sky. I-" He does not need to talk.

"No. You had your chance of treating me like your son. But"

"Sky." Herobrine said.

"You decided to kill mom and people. If you want Skybrine. You will have to kill me to get him out. If you can live with yourself killing the only family you have left." I look at the ground. I don't want to see his face. Do it Herobrine! Even if he hurts me. How can he go on knowing I'm dead because of him?

"I-I." Herobrine said.

"Why hesitate Herobrine? I told you if you really want this. Then push the sword forwards." I don't look at his face. Herobrine lowers his sword and drops it. I look at him. His eyes are green not white. What the?

"Sky. I'm sorry." Herobrine said. I hug him and he hugs me. I got my dad back. I think. I bet not. But I got him back for a second. That's what counts for me. ENOUGH! I can't breath. I collapse. Herobrine has me in his arms.

"Sky!" He yells. I can't breath. I roll on the ground. I go onto my hands and knees. No, he is slipping out. Herobrine goes in front of me. I look at him.

"No! Get away from me!" I scream. My turn to take control Sky! You failed! I grab the grass and dirt. Herobrine falls backwards. I look at him. His eyes are white. At least I got to be with my real dad. Yes you did. But my turn to ruin your life. Let's find Ty. Shall we? No your not taking control. Herobrine disappears. I look at the sky. It is turning blood red again. A red circle glows around me. It lights the sky. I can't let him take control of me. I stand up slowly. I walk into a temple. I am on control for a while. I stand in the middle of the room. I look around. I put my hands on the ground. A protected shield forms. You think that will stop me?! Nothing can stop me! I feel cuts forming on my skin. He is pushing himself by hurting me to come out. Well I am not going to let him out. Not if I can stop him. This spell will keep him contain for a while. I go on my knees. I shot something the sky. Only Seto can see it. I hope he will see it. If he doesn't. I'm done for.

Seto's P.O.V

I hope Sky is ok. Ty is now Enderlox. We need to fin out where he is. The sky turns blood red all of a sudden.

"Seto." Jason said. I look into the sky. I see a black light go into it. Sky is calling for me to help him. I back up. I climb on my horse. 

"Where are you going?" Ian asks. They get in front of my horse. 

"I can still help Sky before he comes out. Now move." 

"Sky is too far away. You'll never get to him in time." Jason said. I look at Jason and the recruits. 

"We want Sky to be safe. His evil side. WILL KILL US ALL!" 

"What?" Quentin asks. I look at him. 

"Skybrine is 10 times more powerful then Herobrine is. Sky wouldn't be able to handle the power and he'll die. Skybrine on the other hand will be alive. Now move!" I go pass them and to the west. Sky hold on. 

Ty's P.O.V

Enderlox walks towards Robert. 

"Stop." Enderlox stops. Stay out of this Ty! The sky goes blood red. I look up. 

"Sky has given in." Enderlox said. No. He wouldn't give in. He was too weak to stop him. Sky is strong. 

"No. That's not true." Robert said. I look at Robert. He must be scare. Robert stands up. 

Robert's P.O.V

I stand up. Ty is in there. 

"Ty I know your in there. Sky is fine. I promise. You know him, nothing came keep him down for long. Right?" 

"Yes." Ty said. 

"Enderlox shouldn't keep you down. Or have you turned soft?" Ty looks at me. His eyes flash green. That's Ty. 

"Soft really Robert? Are you kidding?" Ty asks. Herobrine appears. He walks next to Ty. 

"Ahh. I see Ty did get my gift. Perfect. Sky has been taken care of. But he is resisting. He will kill himself if he doesn't stop. Take care of it." Herobrine said. Enderlox goes into the air and flies towards the temples of wisdom. I look at Herobrine. 

"What did you do this time?" 

"Robert is it?" He asks. He looks at me. 

"Yeah. Get out of here." 

"Wow. Get out? Why would I do that?" Herobrine asks. 

"Because nobody wants you here." 

"Fine Robert. I am done here anyway." Herobrine said. He disappears. I look into the sky. The blood red sky.

"Sky you need to pull yourself together and beat him." 

Seto's P.O.V

I stop at the temple. I get off my horse and run into one. But then Enderlox gets in front of me. I stop in my tracks. 

"Now Seto. Why are you here?" Enderlox asks. 

"Ty I know your in there. I need to get to Sky." I look into his purple eyes. 

"Why Seto?" Enderlox asks. 

"If I don't get to Sky. He will kill everyone in his path Ty. He will turn into a unstoppable killing machine." I back up as Enderlox walks towards me. I put my hand on my sword. 

"A fight you want. A fight you'll get." Enderlox said. 

A Deadly Coma (A Skybrine story): Book 2 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now