Split up!

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Song is I Like it Loud by Cash Cash. Nightcore by NightcoreMelodyRemix. Anime is Black Rock Shooter. Listen to the original. I thought the nightcore version would the best. If you don't know what nightcore music is. It's basically when you take a song and make it faster and higher pitch. Enjoy the chapter!


Sky's P.O.V

Ghost and Ty fly up there.

"How do we get up there?" Tay asks.

"Sky you know what to do." Seto said. I smile.

"What is going to do?" Jess asks. My eyes glow white. Everyone has a white outline on them. We go into the air.

"What the? Is this Sky?" Ian asks.

"Yes it is." Seto said. I smile. We fly up into the air and land on the ground.

"Ok that was cool." Jess said. Ghost and Ty land next to us.

"Ok who wants to be with who?" We all got partners. Ghost and Ty. Quentin and Ian. Mitch and Tay. Jerome and Jess. Seto and Jason. Kitty and I. We split up. Kitty and I are running towards Skybrine.

"So you have a plan Sky?" Kitty asks. A plan? Nope. I was hoping to wing it.


"Great. So winging it?" Kitty asks.

"Basically." She nods. The ground cracks and things come out. We stop. I put my hands together in front of me. I hit the ground. The ground shakes and those things get crush by the cracks closing on them. We keep running.

Ty's P.O.V

We are flying in the air. I can see Skybrine and what looks to be Herobrine is with him. That will change things.

"Ty behind us!" Ghost yells. I look behind us. Something is following us. It's big for sure. We stop and look at it. It fires something at us. We move out of the way.

"So that's how it wants to play."

"Let's do this." Ghost said. I put my hand up towards it. It shows itself. My eyes widen. It's the enderdragon, but instead of black like it should. It's red which is so weird. I look at Ghost. She looks at me.

"That's weird." Ghost said.

"Yeah it is. But whatever."

"Let's go." Ghost said. I fly behind it and turn around. It faces me and Ghost fires something at it. It comes towards me and I was able to get on it's back. An obsidian sword forms in my hand and I cut along the back of the dragon. I jump off and stand in place. I look at it. It looks very mad at us. I go next to Ghost. She has a sword in her hand to. It comes towards us and we go towards it.

Mitch's P.O.V

Tay and I are jumping across buildings. I don't know why they are here, they just are. I look to the skies. I see Ghost and Ty fighting to what looks to be a dragon. That's their league. We jump down to the ground.

"We are almost there." Tay said. Something grabs me and I go to the ground. Tay stops and turns around. She starts laughing.


"Don't turn around." Tay said. I do. Are you kidding me?

"Scarlet. Are you serious?" That woman shows up. I stand up. Scarlet is bigger then I remember it.

"I never introduce myself. I'm Becky." Becky said. Becky. I was expecting something more in your face, but ok then.

"Well Becky I killed your pet."

"I can make more to destroy you!" Becky said. I look at Tay.

"Together this time?"

"What you don't want to go inside of Scarlet again?" Tay asks.

"God no." Tay laughs.

"Together." Tay said. We pull out our swords. The vines come at us. I smile. This is going to be fun.

Jerome's P.O.V

Jess and I are going to the ground. I grab a hold of a tree branch and Jess grabs a hold of my waist as she falls. I let go of the branch. We land on the land and start running back to the base. Sky saw how the ground ground is starting to have Herobrine's army come out. We are going up against them. I can see the base.

Quentin's P.O.V

I grab the door and open it. Ian and I are telling Robert. I see him. He looks at us.

"What are you guys doing here?" Robert asks.

"The war is on. We need you guys to help us take care of a army of Herobrines." I guess that Robert's men gather around us.

"By ourselves." Robert said. What?

"No not by yourselves. Sky wouldn't do that to you."

"Wait Sky is back." Robert said.

"Sky is back and is pissed off."

"You got to love Sky when he is mad." Ian said.

"Why?" Robert asks.

"He is at his best when he is mad. But the Sky Army is going to attack the army at the front. We are going to be the back. Are you guys in?"

"Yes!" They yell. I smile.

Seto's P.O.V

Jason and I are underneath the floating piece of ground. I am suppose to make sure that if anyone falls off I can put back or keep the land floating. We wouldn't want them to fall. I put my hands on the ground. Jason is here to protect me if we are attacked. A purple ring forms around me. I put my hands up and towards the land. Beams hit the land and it acts as a pillar almost. I need to maintain this for long. I hope not long or I will pass out.

Jerome's P.O.V

"Come on!" All the recruits are on horses and are ready to fight. We head to the battlefield. This is a war that will be remember.

Sky's P.O.V

I can see Skybrine and Herobrine. Kitty and I are close. I hope the others are okay.

Ty's P.O.V

I can see Herobrine's Army coming out of the cracks. Let's hope that the Sky Army and Robert's army are ready to fight. I look back at the dragon.

Things are getting intense here. But hey this book is almost over. One more chapter is what I plan. This was fun writing it. Don't cry you guys said that you wanted a third book, so a third book is coming. I love this story and I can't wait for the third book. I still have to come up with ideas. Like I said no spoilers, I am not that kind of person that gives away hints and spoilers. You'll have to wait. Tell me how this book was and if you want a third book. I am still taking votes on this third book. The more people want it the better it will be. I am not saying that it will be lame. I am saying about how long it should be. This one was long. And also if you guys want music to be attached to each chapter. I hope that you have enjoyed the chapter! BBBYYYYEEEEE! :)


A Deadly Coma (A Skybrine story): Book 2 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now