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Sky's P.O.V

I see the temples. I slow down a little. I look around and get off my horse. I take a deep breath. This place is over a thousand years old. I walk around. I don't see Herobrine. Lucky you. 

"Shut up Skybrine. I don't need your opinion." I am you. You need me more then you think. Without me you would not be well you. I would have had a better life without you. What about your friends? Without me you would have never meant them. Or made the Sky Army. Austin made the Sky Army. I am taking care of it for him. Really? You are doing a bad job. You can't even take care of yourself. 

"I don't need you to tell me how to live my life. So stay out of it." Ooohh. Is that angry in your voice Sky? I like it. Herobrine is right. Your turning. I am not. This is not like when Ty turned into Enderlox. They won't fight you when I am in control. No one will fight you. You know why? 

"Why?" Because they don't want to hurt you. They will be afraid and abandon you. So what is there to fight for? A bunch of cowards? They are not cowards. You know that I am right. They will leave you to destroy yourself. Seto will kill you any chance he gets to stop you. He won't even stop to think. He will do it. So? So? They have a plan Sky. To get rid of you. They have been doing things behind your back. I am surprise you didn't think for a minute that they could betray you. All of them. The recruits and villages. They will betray you and kill you on sight because of what you have become. I say nothing. I don't know how to response to that. Speechless are we? You know that I am right Sky. You may not think that. But one day you will join the dark side. I am not evil. Yes you are. Sky you were born with Herobrine's blood running through your veins. Your the definition of evil. You are better then Herobrine and could have the world in your hand at all time that you want it. 

"Shut up." I'm right. I said SHUT UP! One day Sky. One day. I'm right. Herobrine is right. You are losing the fight to keep me contain. Then I will kill all those in my way. You want to know what the best part is?

"What?" They will think it is you Sky. That will hurt them more. The one to protect them is actually the one to kill. Sky you have no choice but to join us. Everyone has a choice. Not you. You are growing weak of fighting Sky. They can't see it. But I can. And when you are too weak to hold on. I will come out and destroy everyone. No one will stop me. Not even your friends or army can. They wouldn't hurt their leader. You are special to them. Seeing you hurt like this. Breaks their hearts. Yet they stand by you. I will make them regret that. You stay away from them. Sky. Sky. I can kill whoever I want and you won't be able to stop me. Because you are dead inside. You have to let me out. You know you want to. 

"I would rather die then let you out." 

"That can be arrange." Someone said. I turn around. Herobrine. 

Ty's P.O.V

I go through the North village. No one is here. They are underground. I hope Sky will be fine. I look up. I see the Northern mountains. They go sky high. So I should have fun climbing them. I stop and look around. I see a path up to the mountains. I run up it. I stop at the cabin here. I go inside. Nobody lives here. I look around. Maybe Sky was wrong. I grab a knob. I turn it. It won't open. I push it. Nothing. I push it more. Ok. I back up. I kick the door. I kick again and the door goes down. I look into the room. Steps. This must be the basement. I run down the steps. I turn and open up another door. I only see darkness. I take a deep breath. I go into an open room. I found a flashlight at least. I turn the switch. I shine the light around me, I turn around and a dead guys face is there. I jump and drop the flashlight. I pick it up only to find someone's hand is there. I look at the hand. It is covered in blood and flesh is out of it. Like it was eaten by something. There are marks on the bone. Teeth marks. Human teeth marks. I hear laughing. I spin around and the flashlight goes out.  

"Are you lost?" Someone asks. The voice sends chills down my spine. It sounds like a little girl. 


"If your lost why did you come down here?" She asks. I heard crying and screaming. This is starting to creep me out. I don't answer. I back away into something. A hand touches my shoulder. I turn around. Skeletons are everywhere. 

"Would you like to something to eat with me?" She asks. I shouldn't. 

"S-Sure." The flashlight turns on. 

"Yay!" She yells. I don't like this. Something is not right here. Well there is dead bodies with human teeth marks on them. Of course there is something not right here. 

"What's on the menu?" She doesn't answer me. I don't like that even more. I pull out my sword. I don;t have my sword. Where is it?!

"Looking for your sword?" She asks. I back into a wall. I touch the wall.

"Yes." I feel something wet.

"Why would you need that?" She asks. I look at my hand.

"I like to have it." It's.

"So the menu today is." She said. Red. My eyes widen. O my god. She starts laughing. I heard a door close. The screaming and crying starts again. I turn around. My flashlight shows a little girl with a knife in her hand. The girl has a white dress on, black hair, red glowing eyes, her mouth is bloody, her skin is pure white, her knife is covered in blood, and a hole in her chest. That must be where her heart should be. She has my sword in her other hand. She is a bloody murder and then she eats people. But she looks 10 years old. She is far away. She starts laughing. No. I will not die here. I feel something dripping from the ceiling. I look at my arm. Is this...blood?! I drop the flashlight. 

"You!" She screams.     

A Deadly Coma (A Skybrine story): Book 2 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now