Authors note! Please read!

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I love that you guys love this story! But I now have over 600 reads and almost 700 reads. That was 2 chapters ago. Thanks for all the support! I love that people who read the first book, stuck around for the second one! It means alot! But this story is longer then the first book. I don't care that it is. This story is coming to an end very soon. Don't cry! I am thinking about writing a third book. I don't know what it is yet. But it is coming. Tell me in the comments if you would want a third book. I want your opinions here! I didn't expect for this series to be this popular so fast. I knew that it was a popular subject. I thought it would take a long time. I started this series like in the middle of October. 

But hey I am not going to question it. So yay. Third book. Yay or nay? It took me a long time to come up with the Deadly Coma plot. I went through o many ideas and I chose this one. As always comment tell me if you are enjoying this story, ideas if you want and if a third book would be a good idea. I love putting your ideas into this story. It makes me feel like you are also writing this book with me. So tell me some and I might use it. Before I forget again, thanks to TeasTakingOver, HalloweenCatGurl, Ghostrock666, and buddergod12345678910 for the new characters in this story. I love the characters. Tell me if you 4 want for them to do something or have something. But not something that could change the story to much. They are your characters, I am just using them. Thanks for the ideas I loved them! {I have been forgetting that for a long time} Authors note, they are long for me. Mostly because I have a lot to tell you people. 

A third book if you want to see them go through another adventure or not. But hey thanks for all the support! It means alot! BBBBYEEEE! :)


A Deadly Coma (A Skybrine story): Book 2 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now