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Sky's P.O.V

I can't let him win. Your losing Sky. Your too weak to hold on much longer. 

"No I'm not. I can fight." I look at my hand. It has the black pattern on it. Help. 

Seto's P.O.V

Enderlox runs towards me. I put up a wall and he hits it. 

"I am not fighting Ty. Not when he is like this." Enderlox stands up straight. His purple eyes go into my soul. I look behind them. Sky is barely hanging on. 

"Why? You afraid your going to lose?" Enderlox asks. I look at him. 

"No. I have a friend that needs me more then anything right now. Ty you need to stop Enderlox so I can help Sky." Enderlox laughs. 

"Ty is gone. How many times do I have to say that?" Enderlox asks. I know what to say to him. 

"Ty. If Sky turns evil. I can't save him. If Skybrine takes control. Sky will die. If you let Enderlox take control of you, Sky will die because of it. Are you going to let Sky die again because of Enderlox?" He looks at me and then at Sky. 

"No." Ty said. 

"No. Ty I'm in control!" Enderlox yells. I put down my wall. 

"Seto go!" Ty yelled, I run pass Enderlox. I hit Sky's wall. I bang my fists on it. I look around. He can't hear me. I go in front of him. 

"SKY! LET ME IN!" He doesn't look up. He doesn't know that I am here. I look at the sky. It starts raining. That's not water. It's.......blood. I look at Sky. Skybrine is winning. I take a few steps back. I'm sorry Sky. I throw spells at it. Nothing can go through it. Sky collapses. The wall disappears. I run next to him. Someone grabs the back of my shirt and pulls me away from Sky. I look up. Herobrine. I push him off of me. I hit the ground. I stand up and run to Sky. Something grabs my foot and I fall. I look behind me.Herobrine has a whip and it is wrapped around my leg. I look at Herobrine. 

"Not until Skybrine is here." Herobrine said. 

"He is not visiting." I cut the whip and throw a blinding spell at Herobrine. I stand up and get to Sky. I look at him. His face is covered in that black pattern. I placed my hands on his chest. Something grabs me. Herobrine won't give up. His has his arm around my neck and waist. He is ontop of me. He grabs my neck. Why do they like choking people? I try to push him off, but he just holds my neck tighter. My eyes turn purple. Herobrine goes flying off of me. I catch my breath. I cough and stand up. I look at Sky. He is getting worse. Herobrine stands up.

"Don't you get it. If Skybrine is release. He will kill us all. He is more powerful then you. He won't listen to you or anyone. Your letting the demon that will destroy the world out." Sky's other eye turns red. No. I kneel down. I'm too late. I look at Herobrine.

"Your too late." Herobrine said.  I placed my hands on Sky chest. I still have a chance. I go flying back. I hit the wall and then the ground. I look up. Sky stands up and smirks. He pulls his amulet off and drops it on the ground. That kept Skybrine contain. It cracks as it hits the ground. He's. 

"Skybrine." Sky throws a spell at me. My eyes widen. I loss him. I failed him. It hits the wall. The wall falls on top of me. I am crushed. Everything went black. 

Ty's P.O.V

"I'm in control Enderlox."  The temple suddenly collapses. Sky and Herobrine walk out. I smile. Why is it raining blood? That's creepy. 

"Sky! Hey." Sky looks at me. My smile disappears. Sky is Skybrine. Sky loss. Seto loss. 

"Hey Ty." Skybrine said. His voice sends chills down my back. 

"Seto." Herobrine disappears. Skybrine and I are the only ones here. 

"Seto. Who's Seto?" Skybrine asks. I walk towards him. 

"You know him Sky. Seto came to help you. But you let him win. Sky I know your in there." He looks at me. Sky puts his hand up towards me. I froze. I look at him. 

"Get back Ty. I'm warning you." Skybrine said. 

"Sky. Please don't leave us. Don't become the enemy. Don't make me-" I stop. I can't say it. 

"What Ty? You don't have the guts to kill me? To kill Sky?" Skybrine asks. I back up a little. 

"I would never do that to him. I wouldn't kill my best friend, even if he asked for me to do it. I still wouldn't. Everyone can be saved." Skybrine lowers his hand and looks at me. I look at his red eyes. He looks like Sky. But his eyes and skin are different. 

"I'm Sky Ty. Kill me and you kill Sky. Nobody can be saved. Not even him can be." Skybrine said. 

"You may look like him. But your nothing like Sky." 

"I'm the real Sky. I was bottle up inside of him." Skybrine said. I look at him. He doesn't have his amulet on. I grip my sword. 

"You will never be Sky. No one can replace him for long." 

"For long?" Skybrine asks. I look at him. I can't look at him though. Seeing him looking just like Sky and that demon being there. Breaks my heart. This is must of how it felt when that whole Enderlox thing went on. 

"Nothing can keep Sky contain for long." 

"Well I did." Skybrine said. He disappears. I run into the broken temple. I spin around. 

"SETO!" I dig though the ruins. Where is he? I look around. I see Sky's amulet. I pick it up and put it in my pocket. I push a big rock and I see a hand. My eyes widen. I push everything off of him. I pick up Seto in a bridal carry. I look at him. He's hurt badly. I run outside. Seto has cuts all over him and is bruise badly. North village. I don't look like Enderlox anymore. I run there. I am not that far away. I take that back I am. I stop. Sky's horse is still here. I climb on him and put Seto in front of me. We head towards the North village. That is the closes thing to a hospital we have right now. 

A Deadly Coma (A Skybrine story): Book 2 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now