He Save me

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Wow you guys 500 reads! I love you people! Now I asked for new characters. You may have saw some new characters. They were Tay, Kitty, and Ghost. But I have a new character. She's from buddergod12345678910. I did change what she wears. Only because she reminded me of way to much like that little girl in the basement chapter. But thanks for all the support!

Ty's P.O.V

I lean against a wall. I look at Seto. Tay, Kitty and Ghost went somewhere a little while ago. How could this have happen? I need Seto to wake up so we can go. The door opens and someone walks in. They walk pass me like they didn't notice me. They stop and look at me. She I should say. She has long brown hair, blue eyes, white shirt with blue jeans, and white cat ears. She is like Kitty. But not that much.

"Ty. Shouldn't you be at the base?" She asks. O really? I should leave?

"O. You want me to leave? Fine I will leave." I walk down the hallway. She grabs my shoulder.

"Wait Ty. I just wasn't expecting you to be standing there. I'm Jess." Jess said.

"Well Jess. I had to go anyway. Your right. I have to get to the base." I walk away from her. Someone bumps into me. I don't care. I just keep walking.

"Sorry Ty." Someone said. That sounded like Ghost. I don't turn around. I see Robert.

"Hey Ty. Can I talk to you?" Robert asks. I keep walking.

"I got to go. Can it wait?" Robert grabs my arm and pulls me back. I look at him.

"What's wrong with you?" Robert asks.

Ghost's P.O.V

I bump into Ty. He just keeps walking. I look at him.

"Sorry Ty." He keeps going. What is wrong with him? Robert suddenly shows up and grabs Ty's arm. He pulls him back. Tay and Kitty walk next to me.

"What's wrong with Ty?" Jess asks.

"I tried talking to him. He wouldn't. I only got Herobrine out of this. Something must have happen to Sky." Tay said. Herobrine. I run to Ty. He leaves Robert and I run pass Robert. I grab Ty's arms and run in front of him. He backs up.

"What the hell Ghost?" Ty asks. I look at him. Something is wrong with him. I put the back of my hand on his forehead. No wonder. He's sick!

"Ty your sick."

"Like I care." Ty said. He walks pass me. I turn around.

"Does Sky let you guys work when your sick? Or does he let you recover?" Ty stops.

"He lets us recover. But I don't have time to recover." Ty said. I walk towards Ty.

"Ty there is always time to recover. Look we can help you." Ty looks at me. I stop.

"Ghost. If I just lay here not doing what I am suppose to. A lot of people could die. I don't care if I'm sick. I'm suppose to protect them." Ty said. I look at him. He's serious.

"Ty what exactly are you up against? What threat are you suppose to kill?"

"He's not a threat." Ty said.

"If he is not a threat. Then why bother?"

"It's my fault." Ty said. I cross my arms.

"Now I know that's not true Ty." I walk in front of him.

"It is true. Seto wouldn't be here if I had just listen to him. But I had to let him take c-" Ty stops. Yep this is personal. I have sense something strong within him. Something that is powerful. Why do I sense it within him? 

A Deadly Coma (A Skybrine story): Book 2 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now