Strangling is not Right

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Sky's P.O.V

Do I have a plan? Nope. Not one. Why are there black patterns on me anyway? I search the forest. I see something out of the corner of my eye. I run towards it. I lift a tree up and look under it.

"Jason!" I push the tree to the side. I kneel down. Did he fall or something? Where is Seto? I stand up. I do see something. I grab Jason and run towards it. Seto. How did I know? 

"Seto wake up." I lay Jason down. I check their pulses. The only problem is. I can't find it. I know. I stand up and throw a lightning spell at them. Seto and Jason open their eyes. I go on my knees. That took a lot more then I thought it would. I am on my hands and knees. 

"What happen?" Jason asks.

"Y-Y-You two fell." I can barely speak.  They look at me. 

"Sky are you okay?" Seto asks. I don't want them to see my face. I close my eyes. 

"I'm fine." 

"Are you sure? Look at me at least." Seto said. 

"I can't look at you." 

"Why not?" Jason asks. 

"Cause you'll run." 

"No we won't." Jason said. I hear them coming towards me. I stand up and turn my back them.

"Sky you are starting to scare me." Seto said. I can barely control. I go on my knees again. He is taking control of me. 

"S-Seto I can't c-" My words escape me. I can't speak! I lay on the ground. Seto runs next to me and flips me over so I am looking at the sky. I close my eyes. The pain is too much. If you can't take it. Let me take control Sky. Over my dead body. That can be arrange you know. It suddenly feels like someone I choking me. 

Seto's P.O.V

Sky suddenly collapses on the ground. I run next to him. I flip him over, so he is looking at me. He closes his eyes. He is gritting his teeth and is holding his chest like someone is hurting it. A black pattern is all over him. 

"Sky can you hear me?" He does not answer. He is fighting. 

"Seto what do we do?" Jason asks. Sword.

"Sky's sword. Let me see it." Jason picks it up and gives it to me. I look at it. The blade is still red. I look at Sky. He is holding his neck. He is choking himself. What is he thinking?! I drop the sword. 

"Sky let go! Let go!" I grab his hands. I try to pull them apart.

"Sky you'll kill yourself! Let go!" Jason yells. Jason helps me. We pull apart Sky's hands.  Sky's neck is red. 

"Sky what were you thinking?! You could have killed yourself!" Sky doesn't seem to be listening to me. His neck keeps on getting redder and redder. My eyes widen. I know what he was doing. He is choking Sky. 

"Seto." Jason said.   

"Jason get back." Jason falls backwards and backs up a little. I climb on top of Sky. I can't believe I am about to do this. This is below me. I take a deep breath. I'm so sorry Sky.  I grab Sky's neck. 

"Seto what are you doing?!" Jason screams. My eyes turn glowing purple. I feel someone on top of me. Jason is not helping. I am not trying to kill Sky. No way would I do that. Sky needs air soon or he will die on us. I am trying to find what is hurting him. 

Jason's P.O.V

Seeing Sky do that to himself. Broke my heart into a million pieces. He actually resorted to killing himself. Sky. Our Sky did that. Seto takes a deep breath. Then he grabs Sky's neck. IS HE INSANE?! I stand up quickly. 

"Seto what are you doing?!" I run at him. Did Seto snap or something? I grab Seto's shoulders. He will kill Sky if I don't stop him! Seto's eyes are purple. I stop. I look at Sky and then at Seto. What I am thinking? Seto would never hurt Sky. Unless he had too. I let go of Seto. I back up. I look at them. It does not look right. It looks like Seto is strangling Sky. I look away and at the sky. 

"Sky. Sky. Sky! Look at me please!" Seto yells. I look at them. Seto is holding Sky's head. I run next to him. 

"What's wrong?" 

"I don't know. He is not responding." Seto said. 

"G-Get o-of-off of m-me." Sky said. Seto gets off. Sky takes in a deep breath. 

"Now that we have that over with. What the heck were you thinking? Were you trying to kill yourself! Seto were you trying to kill him!" I grab Sky's shoulders. He opens his eyes. My eyes widen. His eyes are different. One is brown and the other is red and black. Never mind that. Wait his skin. Is black pattern. He has some explaining to do. We are suddenly not in the woods anymore. I put Sky's hood up. It covers his face. We are in the Meeting Hall. Jerome, Ian, Quentin, Ty, and Mitch are looking at us. 

"Jason." Seto said. 

"No Seto. Sky. Explain to me what happen?! All I saw was you choking yourself to death!" Sky looks at me. 

"I was not. He was." Sky said. 

"Who?" Sky doesn't answer. 

"Who Sky?!" I might seem like a jerk right now. But I want information right now. Sky has it. 

Ty's P.O.V

Jason, Seto and someone else suddenly appear on the table. Is that Sky that Jason is holding?

"Jason." Seto said. 

"No Seto! Sky explain to me what happen?! All I saw was you choking yourself to death!" Jason yells. That is Sky. His hood covers his face. Sky was choking himself?! Did he go that low?

"I was not. He was." Sky said. 

"Who?" Jason asks. Sky does not answer. 

"Who Sky?!"  Jason yells. His hood falls. I look at his face. He has a black pattern on him. Everywhere. His eyes are different colors. Red and black. The brown. What happen to him? 

Skybrine." Seto said. We look at Seto. 

'That's what Herobrine called me when I was a kid. He was hurting me and I couldn't do anything but suffer through it. That's who Jason." I look at Sky. Skybrine?

A Deadly Coma (A Skybrine story): Book 2 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now