Darkness in his Soul and Heart

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Jason's P.O.V

I can't think of anything to say. Skybrine. Why is that name familiar? Robert bursts though  the doors. 

"Seto and Jason. Your alive." Robert said. I look at Robert. He looks scare. I look back at Sky. 

"How do I know that you are not lieing?" 

"Jason do you honestly think I would sink that low?" Sky asks.  

"You know. It is getting harder to believe you. What happen to you?" I stand up. I am on the table. 

Robert's P.O.V

I open the doors. I see everyone is here. Jason has a hold of Sky on the table. Seto and Jason are alive. I look at Sky. His face still has a black pattern on it. His eyes are different colors. 

"Seto and Jason. Your alive." Jason looks at me. Jason looks like he is going to murder someone. He looks back at Sky. 

"How do I know that you are not lieing?" Jason asks. 

"Jason do you honestly think that I would sink that low?" Sky asks. 

"You know. It is getting harder to believe you. What happen to you?" Jason asks. He stands up on the table. 

"Herobrine happen." Sky said. 

"He did. I tried to stop him. But he got to Sky. I was able to get Sky back before anything bad happen." Sky gets off the table. So does Jason. 

"Sky look at me." Seto said. Sky does. 

"Jason how did your plan go?" 

"Great." Jason said. 

"How was your fall?" Jason asks. 

"Fall was cool. Ground not." Jason said. 

"Sky your losing controll slowly." Seto said. 

"Can't you do something?" 

"No. This is dark magic. Herobrine's and now. Sky's. All we can do it wait until Sky loses it." Seto said. I look at Sky. 

"Fine then. Until then. Herobrine is coming here to attack you guys." Sky said. 

"Get the recruits ready." Ty said. 

"Get the recruits ready for battle." Sky said. I look outside. 

"Yeah. Um. Too late. He is here." They run outside. I grab Sky and pull him back. He looks at me. I put his hood up. 

"There you go." I push him out the door. 

Sky's P.O.V

Robert pushes me out the door. 

"Herobrine. Leave." Ty said. I stand next to Ty. 

"I know that Sky is down for the count. The Sky Army is weak without him." Herobrine said. 

"Oh really Herobrine?" He looks at me. 

"How?" Herobrine asks. 

"You can't change Sky's heart. He will always be will the Sky Army." Ty said. I smile. 

"Then why is his hood up?" Herobrine asks. I look at the ground. 

"For a good reason. Leave Herobrine." Seto said. I will tell the recruits when the time is right. Not now. 

"Really? Well the fight is on." Herobirne said. He disappears. We pull our swords out. Then appears in front of me. I grab his arm and push him back. He puts his hands on the ground. His eyes glow white. A white circle surrounds him. I know what he is doing. He lifts his hands. His undead army appears. (Not zombies like. Human half zombie) They come at us. The recruits fight them. We stay bust with Herobrine. He throws spells at us left and right. We dodge them. But they start to hit us. Ty falls and then gets back up. Herobrine appears next to me. He grabs me this time. His eyes glow. 

"Your heart and soul are made from darkness Sky. There is no rejecting it anymore." Herobrine said. I push him off of me. 

"Your wrong." 

"I''m right. Sky you belong with me." Herobrine said. That's it. Herobrine only weakness is me. He can't stand seeing me get hurt. I smile. I look around. 

"Destroy the army of undead now." Herobrine does. Everyone looks at us. 

"You know that I am right Sky." Herobrine said. 

"Your wrong." 

"Why do you hide your face from your recruits then? Afraid of what they will think of what you have become?" Herobrine asks. Jason and Ty run next to me. 

"Don't listen to him. He is trying to get into your head." Ty said. 

"Ty I already did get into his head. When he got into that coma. When he woke up from it. Face it Sky. Your just like me." Herobrine said. 

"Now we know that is not true." Ty said. I look at him. 

"You may know that it is not true. But does Sky think that?" Herobrine asks. Ty and Jason look at me. 

"Sky?" Jason asks. I hesitate. What I am becoming is like him. 

"No answer Sky." Herobrine said. 

"Sky knows that he is nothing like you." Ty said. 

"I sense darkness in his soul and heart. It is stronger then mine. That is saying something." Herobrine said. I make an fist. He needs to stop talking. 

"Sky is not evil." Someone said. 

"Take your hood off then Sky. Prove me wrong." Herobrine said. 

"Sky you don't have too." Jason said. I hesitate and do it. 

"Happy Herobrine. Did that make your twisted soul happy?"  Herobrine is smirking. 

"My job is done here." Herobrine said.  He disappears. I just played into Herobrine's sick little game. Clever. 

A Deadly Coma (A Skybrine story): Book 2 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now