How close do you Need

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Ghost's P.O.V

I open Seto's door. Jess is here. 

"Ghost what are you doing here?" Jess asks. I walk pass her. 

"He needs to be awake." I point at Seto. 

"Ghost I am trying everything I can. I can't." Jess said. I look at Seto. I know. I put my hand on his chest. 

"How about this?" Seto opens his eyes and sits up. 

"What the?" Seto asks. He looks at us. I grab him and stand him up. 

"Seto Ty is outside dying can you do something?" 

"Of course I can." Seto said. Good. 

"Go!" We run outside. Seto kneels next to Ty.

"How is he awake?" Robert asks. Seto stands up. I look at him. 

"Stand back." Seto said. We take a few steps back. Seto's eyes glow purple and a purple ring forms around them. He puts his hands up. Seto bring Ty back to us. I need him. Jess walks next to me. Seto said something in a weird language. I look at Ty. The cuts are healing. I smile. He puts his hands on his knees. The ring disappears. We ran to Ty. 

"You okay Seto?" Kitty asks. We look at Seto. 

"I'm fine. Healing spells take a lot out of you." Seto said. Ty sits up. 

"You okay?" 

"I'm fine." Ty said. 

"So Ty what was it this time?" Seto asks. Ty looks at Seto. 

"Herobrine." Ty said. Seto's eyes widen. 

"He wasn't with him. Was he?" Seto asks. He? Who are they talking about?

"Not this time. Seto can't you do something to get him back here?" Ty asks. 

"There is something that I could try. But it would split their souls." Seto said. Splits their souls. What are they talking about?

"Who are you talking about?" Seto and Ty look at me. 

"Sky. It's a long story. But we need to get him back before he destroys the world." Ty said. Sky is going to destroy the world. That is not true. 

"Are you kidding?" Ty stands up. 

"It's not Sky's fault. He is not the one under control right now." Ty said. I cross my arms. That sounds normal.

"Who is under control?" Tay asks. They look at each other. 

Seto's P.O.V

"Sky has always had a demon inside of him. He kept it contain inside of him for years. It wears him down." 

"What do you mean by that?" A girl asks. Wait who are they?

"Ty I never got these girls names." 

"This is Ghost, Tay, Kitty, and Jess." Ty said. Better now that I know who I am talking to now.

"It would make him weak inside. We never notice how much that Sky was suffering. Until he went into a coma. When he went into a coma I could tell that it was the demon. Sky was weak enough for the demon to make him go into a coma. Sky never told us that he was suffering." 

"Sky has always seem so strong and fine. We didn't know that he was actually dying inside." Ty said. Sky is good at hiding pain. 

"A couple of hours ago Sky was weak enough for the demon to take over him. I could stop it from taking over. But I couldn't get to Sky because of Enderlox. That's what took over Ty last time. The demon is now controlling Sky's every move and he can't do anything about it. Every time he uses his powers, Sky gets weaker. I bet the Herobrine made it that whenever Skybrine would get hurt, it wouldn't hurt him. But only Sky. So I need to get Skybrine out of Sky before Sky dies. Now do you understand?" They nod. 

"Can we help you guys?" Ghost asks. I look at Ty.

"Sure you guys can help. We should get to the base before Skybrine shows up there." Ty said. 

"How powerful is Skybrine?" Tay asks. I look at her. 

"More powerful the Herobrine." Their eyes widen. 

"Ok now how did Sky keep him inside for so long?" Jess asks. We get on horses. 

"Well he's Sky. Sky is a survivor. We are still alive, and while that we would do anything to protect you guys." We head to the base. 

Jeorme's P.O.V

I lean on the wall. 

"Well this is great isn't it?" 

"Yeah. Seto, Ty, and Sky are missing. Ty is Enderlox. I bet that Sky is now Skybrine. Life is wonderful isn't it?" Mitch asks. I walk outside. I look at the sky. It's still red. That must mean the Skybrine is out and about. I wonder when he will show up here. Ian stops next to me. 

"What are we going to do?" Ian asks. I look at him. 

"If Sky shows up here and he is Skybrine. We might have to kill him." Ian slaps me. I look at him. 

"What was that for?" 

"We are not killing Sky. How could you even think of that?" Ian asks. I don't want to do it. But things happen. Horses come in. Ty, Seto and some girls. We run next to them. 

"Ty how are you not well Enderlox right now?" Ty looks at me. 

"I control him now. But Sky is Skybrine now." Ty said. My eyes widen. 

"He might come here. We need to tell the recruits." Seto said. I look at the girls. 

"They are?" 

"This is Ghost, Jess, Tay, and Kitty. They wanted to help us so they are." Ty said. Fine whatever. 

"So who is telling the recruits?" They look at me.

"Jerome can." Ian said. I look at him. 

"Are you kidding? I can't." 

"Go ahead." Ty said. I hate them so much. I look at the recruits. Jason, Quentin, and Mitch come out are stand next to me. 

"Recruits. You may be wondering where Sky is. Well. He is being controlled right now. You guys know what by is controlling him. But we will get him back. So don't worry we are working on getting our leader back here. That is all." I look at them. 

"Good job. So Seto what are we doing?" Jason asks. 

"I could do the same thing that Sky did to Ty to get Enderlox out of him. But I would die and I have no idea how Sky survive that spell in the first place. Also since its a herobrine force that is controlling him, it will be harder." Seto said. 

"Anything else?" Please tell me that we can save Sky again.

"There is one thing. But in order to do it, I will have to get close to Sky." Seto said. 

"How close?" Quentin asks. 

"Uncomfortably close." Seto said. 

A Deadly Coma (A Skybrine story): Book 2 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now