Author's Note- Whoa wait what?

549 19 2

Speechless. That's what I am right at this exact MOMENT! Got a lot to say. Got a lot to thank here. Let me list them instead of making more notes on different books.

ENDERLOX- over 200 votes!
SKYBRINE- 6000 reads/ over 300 votes!
WITHERMU- Over 2000 reads! Over 100 votes!
TAKEN- Over 100 votes!

So yeah you can tell which one it the most popular here.

BUT THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT! Means a bunch to me!! I was literally mind blown...wait that's what I said last Author note for 5000. Awkward. Not more sidetracking. I'm not gonna do this time. No more brain shops. Lol brain shops.....don't judge me. But anyway I was so speechless. I am right now!!

Thanks for taking the time to read this series!! It's a great series and I'm so proud of the progress it has made with climbing up with the number of people reading this series! This has to be the best series I have ever written! (Yes there are others but they were bad in my defense) It still has like Skybrine and Enderlox in it. It's like that but apparently it's different then most stories out there.

I was shooting for different and unique for this series. I think I got there in terms with ideas I have made up. Yet this series is my favorite. Honestly it is. (Well come to think of it LOTR and City of Bones are my favorites. And Maze Runner)

This series has its up and downs. But I love it and is mostly base on my imagination over the years growing up. Most of these ideas are some I had before I even started writing it.

Sure they are a little dark and twisted, but that's how my brain thinks. What if you could just like have dark thoughts and then become real in front of you! That would be so cool. Wait what if you think about murdering someone? *smiles evilly*

O MY FREAKING GOD! I got sidetracked again. I wasn't going to do that anymore. But I do it so much during school and at home. I mean seriously I get sidetracked a lot. I don't know why I just do. I focus on something for like 3 minutes and I'm thinking of something completely different. That's actually what happens when I'm writing chapters. I'm writing and I have YouTube open and I see that one of my favorite YouTubers like GassyMexican has posted like a Prop hunt. I want to see it and.....


I got sidetracked talking about sidetracking. How does that work?! You know what whatever.





A Deadly Coma (A Skybrine story): Book 2 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now