He's Back

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Ty's P.O.V

I feel cuts all over me. I scream. I can't take this for long. I grab what I hope is her arm. I hear something metal hit the ground. My sword! I grab it. I push her away. I stand up and start running away from her.

"Ty don't leave!" She yells. I look for the door. Where is it? I grab a knob and run as fast as I can up the stairs. I can barely move. Everywhere on my body is cut. I open the door. I look at the floor. There is a hole in it. The walls are dripping blood. Ok now I'm scared. I look at myself. My clothes are ripped and stained with my blood. I run around the hole. The girl appears. I point my sword at her. She walks towards me with her knife dragging on the ground.

"Don't leave Ty. Herobrine left me here. I am alone. I want company and food to eat. I'm starving." She said. She licks the knife. Blood drips off of her mouth. She's insane!

"Mmmm. You taste good." She said. I don't taste good. She smiles. That sets me uneasy. She said Herobrine. These people are what Sky was talking about. I know. She runs at me. She is ontop of me. We go through the floor. I knock her knife out of her hand. She looks at me. I get ontop of her. I hold her arms down.

"Fine. I will do this instead." She said. She bites my arm. She has sharp teeth, almost like fangs. I scream. I stab her. She lets go. I fall backwards. I look at my arm. It is turning purple. I scream again. It feels like I am dying over and over again. I get on my hands and knees. I look at my hands. It's good to be back. No. No. He's dead! How can he be back?!

"NO!" My fingers grow claws. I put my hands on the ground. I can't let this happen. Not again. My back feels like someone is cutting it. Yes. Ty. I'm back and here to stay.

"Sky killed you." He did. But Herobrine has ways. Wings ly at my sides. Enderdragon wings. I scream again. I am pushed to the back of my mind but I come back to the front.

"No. You not coming back! I won't let you!" I stand up and fall onto a wall. I lean on it as I walk. I pick up my sword. I go outside. I go on my knees. I look at my horse. He is coming towards me. No. Fangs grow in my mouth. I take a paper and pencil out. I can write. They have to know. I write down one word. I attach it to the horse and the horse goes running back to the base. I go on my knees again. Fight it. Fight it. Don't let him take control. I did claw my horse. Not on purpose. I look at my hands. I am turning into a monster. I look at the sky. It's covered in storm clouds. It starts raining. I look at my sword. It is glowing purple. You can't fight forever Ty! Fight it. He can't bring you down. The grass around me dies and turns black. I scream. He is wearing me down. I look into a puddle. My eyes are still normal. I stand up. I am pushed to the back of my mind. He laughs. I go to the front of my mind.

"Your not taking control!" I fly into the air, but I go crashing back down to the ground. I roll down the mountain. I stop. I stand up. I am in the North village. Robert. I see him. He looks at me.

"Ty is that you?" Robert asks. I fall backwards. He walks towards me. I move backwards. I don't want to hurt him.

"Robert stop! Don't come any closer!" Robert stops.

"Why? What wrong with you?" He asks. He starts walking again. He has a family. I can't rip him away from them.

"Robert! Please stop! I don't want to hurt you!"

Robert's P.O.V

I walk towards Ty. I can't see him. Fog has came out of now where.

"Robert! Please stop! I don't want to hurt you!" Ty screams. Hurt me?

"Why would you hurt me Ty? Come on stop and come here." Ty stands up. But then he fall on his hands and knees. I run towards him. I look at him. He is turning into Enderlox again. He is fighting him. But he is losing.

"Robert get back." 'Ty said. His voice is growing darker. I kneel next to him.

"Ty. Don't let take control." Ty screams and then falls on his side. His eyes are close. I shake him.

"Ty. Ty! Wake up!" Please come on Ty. He opens his eyes. They are glowing purple. I fall backwards. He smirks and stands up. He looks at me.

"What's wrong Robert? See a monster?" Enderlox asks. A odsidon sword forms in his hand. My eyes widen.

"Of course. Enderlox is an monster. Ty is not a monster." He looks at the sword in his hand and smiles.

Jason's P.O.V

When will the rain stop? They are not back yet. Why aren't they back? I see a horse coming. They pass the gate. No rider. That's Ty horse. He goes crazy. I try to calm him down. I grab his reins.

"Shh. Calm down now." Ian and Seto run next to me.

"What happen?" Ian asks. I look at the horse. There are claw marks on him and a note. I unfold it.

"What's that?" Seto asks. I read it. It's from Ty.

"It's from Ty. It's saids-" My eyes widen.

"What?" Ian asks. I look at them. My eyes widen.

"Enderlox is back." Ian and Seto's eyes widen. I hear a scream from the north. I look at the mountains. Ty. I drop the note. Mitch and Jerome run next to me.

"Jason what is wrong with you?" Mitch asks. I stare at the mountain. This is not good at all. Mitch picks up the note. He reads it.

"Enderlox." Mitch said.

"Well this is not good." Jeorme said. Not at all.

Well i hope you enjoyed this chapter! I will like to say thanks to Ghostrock666 for the idea of bring Enderlox into the story. I wouldn't have thought of that. Thanks!

A Deadly Coma (A Skybrine story): Book 2 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now