North Village

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Ty's P.O.V

I get off my horse. Grab Seto and run down the steps. I almost fell on my face but I'm fine. The door opens and Robert is looking at me. I need to catch my breath. I did alot of running today. 

"Ty. Your not him. What's wrong with Seto?" Robert asks. I take a deep breath. 

"The temple kind of collapse on top of him." Robert takes Seto and someone else takes him. Robert looks at me. 

"Do you need medical help?" He asks. I look at myself. Oh. It looks like I went through a bloody war. We walk inside. I look around. 

"No I'm fine. Where is everyone?" 

"In bed. It is midnight Ty." Robert said. It is? I have no sense of time. 

"Well. I didn't know that it was this late." 

"Want somewhere to sleep?" Robert asks. I look at him. I would rather be with Seto. The sky is still red. The rain stopped. Which is good.

"No. I think I will just walk." Robert nods. I walk away from him and down a hallway. How could things get so bad so fast? Sky didn't deserve this. I take a deep breath. 

"Ty. What are you doing here?" Someone asks. I turn around. A girl is standing there. She has a black hoody with a white shirt under it, black hair that almost covers her left eye, her eyes are different colors, left one it blue and the right one is red. She has a black shirt, headphone around her neck, and white wolf ears with black tips. She must be a hybrid if some sorts. 

"Hey." She looks shocked and worried all of a sudden. I grabs my shoulders. 

"Ty you okay?" She asks. She lets go of me. 

"What's your name?" 

"Ghostrock. But you can just call me Ghost for short. Before you ask or freak out. I am a hybrid. Of a wolf and angel. I do have ghost and enderdragon powers." Ghost said. I look at her. She is part something else. Well I am not going to question her just yet about her personal life. But she is part End too! Nice to meet another person with enderdragon powers like me. 

"Well. I had to bring Seto here for medical help." Her eyes widen. 

"What happen?" Ghost asks. I don't want to answer her. I can't even stand knowing that Skybrine did that to him. 

"It's not important." I start walking again. She runs next to me. I look at her. 

"Are you busy right now?" Ghost asks. 

"Not right now." 

"Good. Come on." Ghost said. She grabs my arm and pulls me through a door. There are two girls standing there. One of them has short brown hair with black tips, purple sweater, black jeans and brown eyes. The other one has long blonde curly wavy hair, white jeans, red shoes, blue shirt, rainbow jacket and I think brown eyes. I don't know. They look hazel to me. I look at Ghost. 

"Ty. What is Ty doing here?" The short brown hair one asks. 

"Ty this is Tay and Kitty," Ghost said. I look at them. Tay shakes my hand. 

"Hi I'm Tay. I am great at PvP. So I bet though you guys could bet me. But don't bet on it." Tay said. I smile. We got a funny one here. 

"I'm Kitty Katter. But call me Kitty. I'm a cat hybrid but I do have some powers you wouldn't expect." Kitty said. Okay. Kitty and Tay. 

"Nice to meet you guys. But I should go and find Seto." 

"Oh yeah. Can we come with you?" Ghost asks. I look at her. I was about to make an exuse and say no. But Tay, Kitty, and Ghost were looking at me. They were using puppy dog eyes. O god. That's my weakness. Puppy dog eyes. Kitty is using kitty eyes. That does not make sense.

"Well. I. You. Fine." They cheer. We walk down the hallway. They start talking. I was listening. But I started thinking about Sky. How he is in the same spot I was in. But way worse. He didn't deserve this. But yet. He got it. He held on for a long time. I"M AN IDIOT! I have to tell the guys. I totally forgot about it. What if Skybrine attacks the base and they don't know why? 

"Ty. You there?" Tay asks. 

"What? I'm here." 

"Ghost and Kitty go ahead and find what room they put Seto in." Tay said. Ghost and Kitty leave. Tay stops me. I look at her. What is this about? She looks at me and crosses her arms. 


"Ty. I can tell something is bothering you." Tay said. 

"Nothing is bothering me. I'm fine." 

"Oh really?" Tay asks. 

"Yeah really." 

"Then where did you go when we were talking to you?" Tay asks. I froze. I can't even say it. She looks at me. Come up with something. Anything that would sound true. 

"I'm fine Tay really. I don't know why your so worried all of a sudden." I walk down the hall. 

"It's Sky. Isn't it?" Tay asks. I stop. I don't turn around and look at her. I can't. Why did she have to say Sky?

Tay's P.O.V

Ty walks down the hallway. I am not letting him just walk away from me like that. Something is bothering him. I will find out what it is. Wait a second. 

"It's Sky. Isn't it?" Ty stops in his tracks. He doesn't say anything. It is Sky. Something bad must have happen. I grab his shoulder. 

"It's my fault." Ty said. I turn him around. I see his green eyes. I smile. 

"I'm sure whatever happen is not your fault." Ty pushes my hand off of his shoulder. 

"That's the point. You wouldn't understand." Ty said. I wouldn't understand?! O come on Ty. Are you kidding?

"I am sure that I would understand. Just tell me." Ty doesn't speak. Ok. 

"Come on Ty. One word at the very least." 

"Herobrine." Ty said. My eyes widen. Herobrine? 

A Deadly Coma (A Skybrine story): Book 2 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now