Revenge must be Done!

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Seto's P.O.V

We are still running towards the tree Robert was talking about. How much farther is it? Wait someone else is here. I look around. Suddenly something grabs my leg and throws me at a tree. I go on the ground. 

"Seto!" Jason yells. Herbrine shows up. Oh no.

Jason's P.O.V

"Seto!" We stop. Herobrine appears. 

"Thanks for giving Sky to me." Herobrine said. No. 

"Robert go. I can hold Herobrine back." Robert looks at me. 

"But Jas-" 

"No buts Robert. Just make sure Herobrine does not get Sky. Go. We will be fine." Robert and his men run off. Herobrine looks at me. I pull out my sword. 

"Look who is the hero here. I just want Sky back Jason." Herobrine said. 

"You will never get him." Seto stands up. 

"I will. One way or another." Herobrine said. 

"You will have to go through us first." Seto said. Herobrine laughs. 

"Fine then. This will be fun." Herobrine said. He disappears. I feel something hit my back. I turn around. Seto fires a spell. It misses him. The ground starts the shake. 


"WELCOME TO YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE!!!!" Herobrine yells. Then ground suddenly rises into the air. O my god. My eyes widen. We are air-born. Seto and I go back to back. The sky turns black and starts raining. 


"It is a spell. I can break it. But I need another magic user." Seto said. 

"Just keep your guard up. Don't fall off." If you fall. It is the end of you. Then Herobrine will get Sky. I look at Seto. His eyes are purple. Lightning comes down and tries to hit us. We dodge it. Fog comes.

"HOW LONG CAN YOU SURVIVE?" Herobrine yells. He laughs. He is insane. I walk around. Suddenly I see lights forming. The fog clears. I see about 6 balls pointed at me. They are not fire. I don't want to find out. I start running. One hits my back and another hits my leg. I go on the ground. The ground starts to fall apart around me. 

"JASON!" Seto yells. I try to stand up. I can't stand up. I look at my leg. There is a bone deep cuts in my leg. I pull myself up. I grab a vine as the ground falls under me. I hold onto the vine. I can feel myself falling and then I stop. I hold onto the vines. I am not letting go. I look down, then back up. I should not have looked down. I look up. I see Herobrine at the top. My eyes widen. He laughs.

"What do we have here? Jason need some help?" Herobrine asks.

"Not from you. SETO!" Herobrine cuts teh vines. I grab the end of some new vines. I start climbing. I see Seto over top. He looks at me.

"Don't let go!" Seto said.

"Why on earth would I let go?!" Seto disappears. I continue climbing. The vines go loose all of a sudden. The are not of the ground anymore. My life is great isn't it? I let go and try to grab more vines. But they slip through my hand. 

"JASON!" Someone yells. I look down. This is going to hurt. I try to grab on tree branches. But I can't get a hold of one. I hit the ground and everything is black. 

Seto's P.O.V

Jason is falling towards the ground. 

"JASON!" He disappears. I look at Herobrine.

"One down. One to go." Herobrine said. I look at the ground. No. Jason is not gone. He can;t be. I look at Herobrine. 

"You will pay for that." 

"Oh really. You can join Jason." Herobrine said. He is not gone. My anger is beginning to control me. I shoot a spell at Herobrine. I will avenge you Jason. Revenge is sweet. I move back a little. I block one of Herobrine's spells. I hit him. The ground starts the crumble under me. 

"Oh no." Herobrine flies in the air. I can't fly. I feel myself falling towards the ground. 

"YOU TWO FAILED! DEATH WILL COME TO BOTH TO YOU!" Herobrine yells. I try to grab a vine. But I can't. I am falling to fast. I hit the ground and everything is black. 

Robert's P.O.V

I look back. a piece of land is in the air. Vines are hanging on the side of it. The sky goes black and it starts raining. Jason and Seto would die to protect Sky. I see the tree. We stop. 

"Ok. Come on." I put Sky down. I put him on the tree. The men wrap unbreakable rope around Sky and the tree. I take a few steps back. I can't stand seeing Sky like this. I look back at the thing in the sky.  I see something fall off the side. Is that? No it is not one of them. Then another one comes. 

"YOU TWO FAILED! DEATH WILL COME TO BOTH OF YOU!" Someone yells. Did they fail? No they didn't. I have to see. But I need to stay by Sky. I will protect Sky from Herobrine grasps. I pull out my sword. I promise Jason I would. I stand by Sky. I will also die to protect Sky.

"Men. Protect the people! I will stay here. Go. And see if you can find Jason or Seto." They leave me. No questions or arguments are made. I look at Sky. There is a black pattern growing across his face. All of this. To protect him. Sky you have some special true friends. I heard something land behind me. I turn around. 

Did I just kill Seto and Jason? Maybe or maybe not. The cliffhangers are evil. I am not done yet being evil to them yet. But one or two more chapters for today. You never know. I have ideas stuck in my head. That I know that I will lose the next day. What will happen to Robert? Who is the stranger behind him? What happen to Seto and Jason? Muhahahahaha. 


A Deadly Coma (A Skybrine story): Book 2 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now