Everything is About to Change

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Seto's P.O.V

Mitch opens his eyes. We all back up. His eyes are glowing red. He stands up and looks at us. 

"Mitch what happen to you?" Tay asks. He laughs. That sends chills down my spine. I grab Tay and back her behind me. She has no idea what that thing is and how dangerous it is.

"Tay that's not Mitch." 

"What your kidding right Seto?" Tay asks. 

"Nope." Mitch puts his hand up. If he can do spells then he will be in the same sitution Sky is in. Maybe I can get Mitch. If Mitch is near Sky and grabs him. We can get both out. I smile. 

" Everyone back!" Jerome yells. I put my hands on the ground and a cuts in the ground begin to form around Mitch. A purple ring is at my feet. 

"Seto what are you doing?" Ian asks. 

"Trust me. Get back!" Everyone stands back. Mitch throws a spell at me. I grab it and throw it into the sky. He looks at me. Mitch can you hear me? No answer. I know. 

"Kitty come here." Kitty runs next to me. I need to keep my hands on the ground. 

"What Seto?" She asks. I look at her. 

"You have brine powers don't you?" She nods. 

"They are weak but there." Kitty said. I look at Mitch. Vines wrap him so he can't move. 

"Ok now I need you to go on the other side and try to contact Mitch. If you do tell him if he can to get Sky. He can at least touch Sky. I'm about to pull them out and back to the real world." 

"Ok." Kitty said. She runs to the other side. Mitch can you hear me?

Kitty's P.O.V

I run to the other side. I put my hands on the ground. Well here goes nothing. I close my eyes and open them. A orange ring forms at my feet. The ground cracks around me and vines come out. They go towards Mitch. Mitch can you hear me? The sky has a funnel around us. It looks like a tornado is coming when it is not. The wind howls. The sky turns orange and purple. Purple is Seto's magic and the orange is mine. Mitch can you hear me? Kitty? That's Mitch. Mitch is Sky near you? Yes he is. Ok now Seto wants you to get him all you need to do is touch him. Seto is going to pull you guys out and back to  the real world. Ok I will. Tell me when your ready. 

"Seto Mitch is getting Sky!" 

"Good!" Seto yells. The vines that have Mitch are starting to crack. My eyes widen. Mitch hurry up! I got him! 

"Go Seto!" I see Seto stand up. He puts his hands up and his eyes are glowing purple. Not a shock, mine should be glowing orange. I look at Mitch. I see something coming out. It looks like two figures. That must be Sky and Mitch. 

"O no you don't!" Someone yells. I see Ghost come all of a sudden. She goes in front of me and her arm turns into obsidian. She puts her arm in front of her. 

Ghost's P.O.V

I put my arm in front of me. Skybrine hits my arm and I push him back. He goes flying back. 

"Ty need your help!" Ty comes running at me. Wings form and a tail comes. He is part Ender! I look at Skybrine. This should be fun. Wings form on my back, claws grow and a tail comes. I like this form better then my ghost form. I would like to say it's easier for me to beat the shit out of someone and Skybrine is my victim. My enderdragon form is different colors. The right side is red and the left side is blue. Just like my eyes. My magic is still purple though. Ty runs next to me. 

"Ready?" Ty asks. 

"Of course." Skybrine attacks us. Ty goes into the air while I slide to the side. I grab his arm and throw him into the air. Ty catches him and throws him at the ground. Ty lands next to me. I put my hands to the side of me. Purple fire forms and I throw it at Skybrine. He blocks it. 

"Is that the best you two can do?" Skybrine asks. I look at Ty. We nod. I grab his hand. I would call this a combo move. A purple ring is at our feet and dragon breath forms. We put our free hands up. The dragon breath goes towards Skybrine. It's like you are blowing fire at someone. Skybrine smiles. 

"Perfect." Skybrine said. 

Mitch's P.O.V

I hit the ground with Sky next to me. I look to the side. I see Ghost and Ty are fighting Skybrine. They are in their Enderdragon forms. The hit Skybrine with what looks like fire hitting him. I look at Sky. He is not taking any damage. Thank god. I just lay on the ground. Seto comes next to me. 

"You okay?" He asks. Sky opens his eyes. 

"We are fine now." Seto smiles. We stand up. 

"Welcome back Sky we missed you." Seto said. Sky looks at us. He does not have that black pattern on him. His eyes are normal.

"I missed you guys too." Sky said. 

"So what to do about Skybrine over there?" I point at him. Sky looks and he smiles. 

"Sky you do have brine powers still." Seto said. We look at him. 

"Is that so?" Sky asks. 

"How about you find out yourself?" 

"I think I will." Sky said. The others come next ot us. 

"With our help." They say. Sky looks at them. 

"Of course. The more the merry." Sky said. 

"Don't you mean more painful for Skybrine and Herobrine?" Sky looks at me. 

"Exactly." Sky said. Skybrine disappears. Ghost and Ty looks at us. 

"Sky!" Ty yells. 

"Good to be back." Sky said. They walk towards us. 

"I understand that you are pissed off?" Ty asks. Sky is good when he is mad. Now that he has brine powers it will be more fun. 

"Of course." Sky said. The ground starts to shakes and the sky turns black. We look to the north. We see a floating piece of land. Hard to believe this all started by just a coma. Well we can it a deadly coma. 

"Well this should be fun." We all look at Sky.

"Let's teach them a lesson shall we?" Sky asks. We look at each other. 

"Let's do this." We all said. 

Song is War of Change by Thousand Foot Krutch. I thought this song went well with what is going on right now. I would say one or two more chapters left. I don't know. But this story is coming to a close. Are you still dieing Ghostrock666? Tell me how your enjoying the story so far and I will see you next chapter. BBBYYYEEEE! :)


A Deadly Coma (A Skybrine story): Book 2 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now