Author's note- OMG

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Shut the front door. (First thing that came to my mind. Don't judge.). Over 5000 reads! OMG! That's amazing. I'm freaking out on the inside btw. Thanks for all the support! My mind is blown. Been wanting to write this note ever since I hit 5000. But I got sidetracked. (Shocker) I never thought once that I would get over 5000 reads. Not at all. O my god. Over 50 followers! I need a minute so I don't have a heartattack.

This is very surprising to me. I swear to god. It is. Over 50 followers. I will stand by and say that this series got me this far. The Sky Army Series is something that I thought wouldn't be this popular. But it is. This is huge to me. Thanks for taking time out of your day to read everything that I write! I'm almost done with the 5th book and about to start the 6th book. Five books is a lot. I want to hug every single one of you people. I swear. I'm actually speechless right now. I'm just typing and words are coming down. Most of it I know. But my mind is like blown that I. Wait if your mind is blown. Doesn't that mean that your brain would literally explode in your head. So you would died or get an new brain. I wonder what would happen if you can get a brain if you don't like the one you have? You could have like a brain store. Each brain costs like...I'm not gonna delete that conversation with myself. Sometimes I question why I leave things that I write down. By now all of you should know that I'm weird and this is how my brain thinks.

Ok after having a conversation with myself about brains. Thanks for everything that you guys have given me! I wish I could give you something in return. more conversations with myself. No more! Wait I just did. Sh*t.

Anyway. I need to question if I'm still sane. (Wait I'm insane.) Thanks for all the support and love for this series!!! Means a lot to me. Thanks for sticking by me!!! I love you guys!!! I should be have a new what is this sentence saying? My mind is failing right now. I should go before I embarrass myself. (Too late)

BBYYEEEE!!! :) :)


A Deadly Coma (A Skybrine story): Book 2 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now