Fifteenth year

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Fifteen years and 35 days

"I've got something important to ask you about." He sounded quiet serious but even though we were on the phone I could feel his smile.

"Why can you not just tell it now?"

"I want to see your reaction." What was he talking about!

"On my way then. But you know that you just now put my through the pain of getting of my bed, standing up, walking, getting downstairs, opening the door, closing the door, getting outside, crossing the road, knocking on your door, opening your door, walking upstairs, opening your door and closing your door before I can sit on your bed. I sighted as I walked downstairs in my house.

"Aw... Just get you little lazy bum over on my bed." He laughed at me.

"That's what he said." I just answered him as I started to laugh.

"Whatever." He sighted at my comment and hung up.

I crossed the road and walked into his house greeting his parents.

"What's up?" I asked him as I got into his room.

"The sky."

"Omg, Shawn! You are so funny!" I faked and laughed short afterwards.

"No really. It is there."

"Well, let me try in another way: What would you ask me about?"

"I have a thing I need to ask you about and also one thing I need to tell you. They kind of matches." He stopped as he said that.

"Then go on..." I pushed him on the shoulder trying to get him to say what it was.

"I am going to be a part of Magcon!"

"No way! You got to be kidding!" I literally screamed out in his room.

"Nope. It is the true truth! And wanna hear the best part about it?"

"Sure! Spit out!" I was so excided about it even though it not was me that was going.

"I asked if I could take you with me, I mean just to watch, and they said no."

"How in hell can that be good?" It lowered my exciedment but did not erase it.

"It is. Because then I told them, that you are like a lucky charm and if I don't have you with me I did not know what to do. Then they laughed and agreed but they also said, that they would pay for entrance and hotel but not flights." I cheered and jumped up from the bed to give him the biggest hug ever.

We were going to Magcon!

Beginning - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now