Eleventh year

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Eleventh year of my life

I was pleased that my sister wanted to help me with my room. I was redecorating since my dad moved out.

It was nice to come back with Shawn. I had really missed him.

Me and my sister were walking around in IKEA. I had always looked up to her. The way she styled things were awesome, maybe it was because we never got told of our parents to hold back. We always had money to use. Whatever.

I told her I wanted a black and white room. She had drawen what she thought would look good and I just agreed with it.

We got a white queensized bed, four pillows - a fluffy, a black, a dotted and one with a cross on, a long desk, a big blanket, some chairs, a table, a closet and a whole lot of pictures and frames. Oh, and of course some ornaments.

My room was quite big so there were space for a lot. It was kinda just like a big square with a windowside facing the road.

When we got home we builled everything before putting it in place.

On the window side we putted the big blanket and on top of that we placed the chairs and a table.

My bed was in the opposite side of the room and got decorated with the pillows.

On the right side when you stood by the windows - opposite the door, we placed the big table and a lot of ornaments. Over that we hang around fifteen to twenty pictures. Who counts?

I do. 19.

One the side of the door we placed the closet and to finish it all we hang a sign on the bathroom saying: 'Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth.' That is right. Franklin D. Roosevelt said that. Allot of them were quotes from different people. Some of them said:

"Believe in yourself and you're halfway there." - Theodore Roosevelt.

"Being fearless is now a'being 100% not fearless. It is about being terrified but jumping anyway." - Taylor Swift

Celebrate every tiny victory.

"Strong people don't put others down. They lift themself up." - Michael P. Watson

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