Fifteenth year

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Fifteen years and 103 days - part 2

"What took you so long?" Cameron asked when we walked into the room again.

"Just a secret topic," I told him and winked at Shawn whom sat down across from me.

"Tell us about that," Taylor said and pulled me into him. The scent of his collonge took over my nosthrills and it was a nice scent.

"If we did it wouldn't be a secret," I said and sat up by myself handing everyone a shotglass. "Ready?"

We handed the soda around and everyone poored into their glasses. "Let the lady begin," Carter said and refered to me.

After a couple of long seconds silect I broke it by saying: "Cameron you heard him. Ladys first." Everyone bursted out in laugher as Cameron tackled me down so we laid on the floor. He held my arms so I could not get up. In the days we had known eachother we had build up a great friendship. A little more flirty than me and Shawn's, which was based on a brother/sister-friendship. Anyway. He letted go of me and I started.

"So lets start interesting," I smirked and looked around at all of the boys. "Never have I ever had sex before?" Everyones eyes gone wide and you could tell who had and who had not. Three of the boys took their shot, now it is up to you and imagen who.

"That was interesting," Nash said and looked at the three boys who had been drinken and was now refilling their glasses. "Okay, I have a good one. I have never ever done something I regret badly."

I looked around at all of the boys before beening the only one to take a shot. "What did you do sweety?" Carter asked when I putted down my glass.

"I dated this guy and he had bad influes on me. I regret it so badly because first now I see how bad he made me be. He made me ditch Shawn twentyfive times to be with him, he made me miss school and he beated me." I looked over at Shawn. He was the one who found out he had beaten me. He made me break up with him and get on with life. No one said anything before Shawn changed the subject back to the game.

The game went on forever because none of us wanted to lose. The first to give up was Nash. When he jumped up to get to the bathroom he pushed to the soda and made it fall so it came everywhere. I, of course, had to clean after him.

When we were done Shawn had to go home. It was first at that point I realized that the clock was quarter till midnight. When did it get that late?

"Where do we have to sleep?" Nash asked me putting his arm around my waist.

"I have the right to sleep next to Anna!" Cameron yelled from upstairs.

"What ya gonna do together?" Taylor asked joining the conversation. I gave him an elbow in the side and the 'the look'. If you know what I mean.

"There is two beds upstairs and then the sofa, so you can work out who is gonna sleep where. I don't care about it," I told them and started to walk upstairs when they all started to run past me. I guess they were fighting about the beds.

"I came first!" I heard Nash yell from my sister's old room.

"No way you did!" Carter yelled back at him. Then that must mean Taylor was secured a room.

"Anna!" Nash called after me. Slowly and calm I walked into the room seeing the two boys fighting on the bed.

"Guys stop it," I commanded and they actually did so. Which I never would have thought. "You can just share if it's such a biggie."

They looked at eachother. "There is no way I am gonna share with that," Carter laughed and pointed at Nash whom looked offened.

"Why not. I am perfect." He brushed his shoulder as if he was removing dust.

Beginning - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now