Fifteenth year

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Fifteen years and 55 days

"Hey Shawn. Wake up!" I whisper-shouted into his ear as he laid next to me. "I wanna go to the pool."

"What?" He letted out a yawn as he turned around facing me. His eyes were fluttering as they tried to open.

"I wanna go to the pool. Ya wanna come?" I whispered - really hoping he would say yes. I just had this thing, that whenever I was near water I had to swim in the morning. It was so refreshing and nice.

"Sure I wanna come," he whispered back, knowing that it would be mean to wake the other guys.

"I will be out in a second." I stood up, grabbed my swimsuit and went to the bathroom. When I got back into the room Shawn was in his swimmingshorts and had a towel over his shoulders.

I took a towel from the bathroom and then we walked out slowly closing the door. "I don't hope they get too woried when we aren't there," I laughed thinking about the fact, that we just left like that.

"You can just go back, I will go to the pool," he laughed and pushed the botton for the elevator to come.

"Or we could do the oppsite," I told him right as the elevator arrived on the right floor.

"Alright then," he turned around and was about to walk off but I grabbed his arm.

"I was joking."

"Oh... I did not know that," he said ironicly.

"Sure you didn't." The whole trip to the pool we just laughed by our own sillyness.

"Hey..." Shawn said and it sounded like he just realized something. "... I think I have come up with a new one of those tomato crossing the road jokes."

It seemed like he was pretty pround and it made me laugh a little. "Spit out my little Shawn."

"Two tomatos were crossing the road. The first one got over but then there came a car and hit the other tomato. So what did the tomato that crossed the road yell after the one who didn't?

"Ya coming ketchup." I laughed at him. "Shawney boy that has been going on forever."

"Oh... Well I just thought I had made a joke." He pulled a sadface before seeing the pool and a smile then appired.

"The last one in is an old banana." I said running of threwing my towel on a chair and jumping into the pool.

"That was unfair." Shawn stood with crossed arms on the edge.

"Not my fault that you are too slow, old banana." I laughed at him. With that said he jumped in and attacked me. I tried to hold my head over water and when I realized I not could do that when Shawn was holding me down. I decided to go onto his back.

That also worked untill Shawn just tilted backwards. I tighted my grip around him - both with my arm and legs.

That was pretty much all we did the whole day. All the other boys also came down when they realized we were here. Of course we also got up and ate. Because like, you cannot skip a meal.

When the clock got around 7pm we got up to our rooms got changed into lazy cloths and everybody came to our room. We putted Aristocats onto the television because like: who does not like that? If you just said you did not like it I would suggest you get help. Maybe get your brain checked or something.

I laid in the bed I slept in with Shawn who also were there but we were not the only ones. No. Jack, Nash, Aaron and the other Jack also laid in it. Let me describe it a little better.

The television were across from the bed.

Jack J laid in the wrong direction where you normally had your feet.

Then Nash laid in the other end, also in the wrong direction. So him we used as a pillow.

The last four of us just laid normal - and let me just tell you it was a queensized bed - and there was not much space.

I laid in the middle of Jack G and Shawn. Jack G had an arm around me because if he did not he would fall down. And that - I tell you - hurt.

Anyway while we were watching the movie Nash started to gently pull in pieces of my hair. He wrapped them around his finger or just letted them fall. After a while I could feel the tiredness take over.

I do not know what it was about it but when someone started playing with my hair and nothingexciting was going on, I would always drift to sleep.

Beginning - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now