Fifteenth year

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Fifteen years and 114 days - part 2

"The last person at the beach gives dinner!" I yelled in the room and grabbed my bikini from my suitcase before running into the bathroom. The boys did not even have time to prepare themself for that.

I got to the beach and laid down my towel. Then I turned my head to see Cam and Taylor fighting about getting to the sand first. I cracked up into laughter. They were literally laying on top of eachother in the grass. I shook my head and sat down on my towel. "What's up pretty lady?" Taylor's voice sounded.

"Looks like Cameron is giving dinner?" I looked suspicios at him.

"Yeah, you up for McDonalds?" He smirked and placed down a towel beside me.

"I was thinking more of that restaurant..." I said pointed at the restaurant which laid together with the hotel. "...but your choice."

"If you say so." He sighed and laughed a little afterwards. I putted my hands by my head a shutted my eyes then I laid down. Why did I do that? I knew who I was with... I could feel the ground disapire under my body, and in the matter of seconds it hitted the water.

I stood up and rubbed my eyes before looking at Taylor and Cameron. "This is going to be such a great two weeks. You guys have two days of MagCon here. I have two days to plan revenge, which means twelve days to complite it in." I smirked at them while I walked out of the water. I could here them both crack up into laughter.

"How the hell can you only be fifteen, Anna?" Cameron asked as they placed themselves down beside me again.

"Well, see... About sixteen years ago my mom and da...."

"That was not what he meant..." Taylor interupted me. " seem so mature compares to other girls. No to sound flirtatious but you have pretty curves and a shinning personality, which people our age..." He pointed at himself and Cam. "...are not even close to having."

"Well thank you." I did not know what to say. I did not like getting compliments because I felt all awkward when I got them. That does nit mean I would rather get critizised but I do not know what to do in those kind of situations. "What are thise people doing?" I nodded over at some people in the water. They stood on something that reminded me of a surfboard but the had a paddel with them.

"Paddelboarding." Cameron told me.

"Wanna go?" Taylor sounded ready - like always. That was the best thing about Taylor he was always ready for everything. I am pretty sure if I dared him to get onto the roof of the hotel, he would do it.

"No." I joked and stood up. "Is it over there?" I pointed at some stand.

"I guess so." Taylor said looking down at Cameron. "You not coming dude?"

"Nah, I think I will skip. Maybe tomorrow bro." He laid back on his towel and took his arms behind his head.

-----skipping the paddelboarding-----

"Shawn?!" I yelled after him. Litterally a million thoughts were running through my head. Should I do it? Or not? What would he do? Would he get sad? Then ways he could react came to my mind. Happy? Sad? Angry? Fustrated? Why did I care? Because it was Shawn.

"Anna! I was just looking for you." He turned around and walked towards me leaning in for a kiss. But I stopped him. "Something is up, right?"

"Shawn," I paused and took a deep breath. "It is hard for me to say but I don't think we should be together. I know what I have said to you and I mean every word of it. But I don't think there is going to be an us anymore. I am sorry for even saying yes, because I know now I break your heart - again. And I hope you won't get mad at me. And please don't be sad. I should just have sticked with my first choice. I am sorry. I really hope you understand." I looked up at his face which seem to try and understand all the words that flooded out of my mouth.

Then his arms wrapped around me. "How could you think I would be mad? I don't care how you feel about me, if I cannot get you maybe there is another one for me. But I would still have feelings for you. The only thing I would mad about is if you just replaced me. Then I would be fucking pissed off."

I pushed away from the hug and looked shocked at him. "Shawn... You just sweared."

"I know, but it is because I really mean it." He shook his shoulders.

Beginning - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now