Fifteenth year

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Fifteen years and 218 days

I logged onto Skype and called Shawn. He answered just as he told me he would over texting.

"Hey sweetheart! Nice to see your face."

"Sup Shawny-boy. Lovely to see ours too."

"So, what was it you wanted to tell me?"

"I got my assignment back..."

"Tell me! Did you get an A++++++?"

"Not quite.. But I got an A!"


"A funny one actually. Some the teacher wrote and I quote: 'Really nice work Anna. I have never gotten something like this before. You have made the article so alive, that it actually made me think that there was a guy named Shawn Mendes. I tried Googleing it, and there actually is. Did you know that? Side jump, there only was some small mistakes, but nothing noticable.' So funny."

"I bet the teacher aren't on Twitter enough."

"I guess so. Maybe it is an old woman sitting at home just reading through assignments, and never goes out."

"That would be the most borring job ever."

"So true, Shawn, so true."

"How is everything back home?"

"Okay, I guess. I have nothing else to do than just make homework, watch movies and eat. Seriously, I live of pizza. Last time I tried to make food I started a fire."

"Maybe you should come and visit me?"



"I hate you."

"Sure I am serious."


"I have a headline show in two days, and if you want to you can come."

"Sure I want to! I will go get my tickets right now."

"Alright. Then I will tell you a joke because I am so funny. Ready?"

"Yes sir."

"So there was an American, a Canadian and an Englishman. They drove in a car together, and by accident they stranded there because the car broke down. All of them decided that they coupd bring one thing with them - from the car. The Englishman said he would bring the anti-freeze, if he got thirsty. The Canadian said he would bring a carseat, then he could sit down if he got tired. The American told them he would bring the car-door. Both the Canadian and the Englishman gave him a weird look, and asked him why he would bring that. He told them it was because then he could roll down the window if it got too hot."

"That is not even funny..."

"I find it funny."

"Can you please text me, where I should book my flight to?"

"Yeah. And after I have done it, I can tell you a joke more!..."

Beginning - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now