Fifteenth year

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Fifteen years and 106 days

So just to sum up on what happened yesterday: Nash said Cameron asked me out. I said if Cam wanted to do that he should ask me himself. But he had not. The rest of the day just went on. Oh, and we also pack for our plane today.

I yawned and streched my whole body. For the first time in a long time I had woken up by myself in my own bed. It felt nice. I looked over at my alarmclock and saw the time. 6:01am. Why so early? I knew why but just; whyy?

Slowly I stood up and walked to the bathroom. My hair was a mess. Literally. I took out my hairbrush and brushed through it. So tangled. When I had done that I took the cloths, I found yesterday, and putted it on. It was a pair of jogging pants, a hoodie with Shawn's name on and a pair of cossy socks. I collected my hair in a loose ponytail, brushed my teeth and went out. The boys stood downstairs in the kitchen. None of them looked awake.

"You coming guys?" I asked and took on my jacket. They all mumbled something and came. We got out and when I was about to lock the door - a too fresh - Shawn came over to us.

"We need to take the bus because my parents have work today," he said. I yawned and mumbled something even I did not understand. "It is only five minutes this way," he pointed down the road.

I took a deep breath and told myself to wak up a little. It would not help walking around looking like a zombie. I had to get mor fresh "I will get there first!" I yelled and ran of towards the busstop.

I could hear the other came from behind me, the suitcases gave it all away. I had picked up mine and ran with it over my shoulder. The shadows started to come closer. The sun was low so it made them longer than the real person.

It did not even take two minutes before we all stood - heavly breathing - at the bus stop. "Losers." Cameron said between the breaths.

"Beat you next time Dallas." I manged to get out of my mouth. We all catched our breaths by the time the bus arived. There were two people in the bus - of course the busdriver and then some old lady. She looked weirdly at us when we got into the bus. Maybe because we were loud or maybe she did not like kids.

I putted my suitcase over our heads and took a seat. "Can I sit here?" I asked Shawn knowing that the answer would be yes. So before he answered me I took a seat.

"No. Can't you see there already was sitting one there?" He said ironicly.

"Yeah. I am sitting here if you did not notice." I laughed and threw my legs up at Shawn. "I have something to tell you."

"What's up Fox?" He asked and laid an arm around me.

I leand closer to him and looked around before whispering: "Nash said to me that he had a question from Cameron, which was if I wanted to go on a date with him."

Shawn looked a little, that is a lie, really surprised. "What you said?"

"I said if he wanted to go on a date with me, Cameron should ask himself, and then I would consider it." I told him and looked out of the window realizing we would be at the airport in less than five minutes.

I pulled out my phone and opened iTunes. I then took my headset and played Sweaterweather by The Neighbourhood. When I was about to put in the thing into my right ear Shawn pulled it out of my hand - and of course stuck it in his ear. We sat and jamed to the slow music when the bus got to the airport-busstop.

Together with the other guys we got out of the bus and into the airport. "Where are we going to set of our suitcases?" I looked around in the airport before putting my eyes on the boys.

Beginning - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now