Fifteenth year

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Fifteen years and 56 days

"Ya wanna grab lunch?" Shawn asked me around twelve o'clock.

"Sure mate, just gonna grab my purse." I walked over to my bag and took my phone and my purse. "Anyone else going?"

"Nope just you and me." He held the door for me so I could get out.

"You and I..." I started singing and he took over: "We don't wanna be like them." Me: "we can make it till the end." Shawn: "no nothing can come between you and I..." Then both of us sang: "ohh.. You and I." We started laughing as we were in the elevator.

"Great..." I sighted. "Now I will have that song on my mind for the rest of the day."

"Hey, it was you who started singing," he defended himself.

"I never said it wasn't, I just said it would be playing in my mind."

"Where do you wanna go?" Shawn asked me as we stood on the street. Maybe we should have planed that before leaving... Whatever. Let me be old fashion: Yolo.

"I do not know." I took a look around and saw a Taco Bell on the other side of the street. "Tacos!" I litterally yelled out loud making people stare at us.

Shawn just cracked into laughter: "If you want tacos, then lets get tacos."

We got on the other side of the road - fast - and into Taco Bell ordering our food. It did not take long before we sat down eating. It was so good!

"Get away!" I said a little loud as someone covered my eyes. I threw my hands over my head and touch someone.

A boy.

With t-shirt.

A watch.

"Nash?" I asked and tried to remove his hands from my face.

"I'm here," it sounded from the other side of the table.

Who had Nash gotten along with yesterday. "Carter?"

"Nope." It sounded beside me as I felt someone touch my arm.

So both Carter and Nash got along with this person. "Matt?"

"He isn't even here," Nash laughed at me.

"Shut up, blue. How did you think I was suposed to know that?" I said out in one big sight.

"Tay?" I then asked.

"Not really." Carter told me and made me sight again.

"Cameron Dallas?" I then asked.

"Nope," his voice sounded from behind me as he removed his hands. I think it was good luck I did not have any mascara on today, that would have been messed up by now.

"I knew it," I told him as he sat down next to me.

"Clearly you did not," he laughed and poked me in the side - teasing me.

"Well I just made it fun for you. If I had told I knew it was you, you wouldn't have had any fun out of it." I took a bite of my taco.

"Yeah because we all believe in that," he said really sarcastic. It was great to have new friends around, normally it would just be me and Shawn. It also seemed like Shawn liked it. He was getting friends with everyone.

"Yeah. You should." I told him ending the conversation. There was a short pause where nobody said anything. Then I broke the silence: "Hey Shawn, why don't you tell your tomato joke from yesterday."

"You told me it was not mine but if you thought it was so funny, then guess I can tell it again," he tried to avoid that he thought he came up with it: "Anyway. Two tomatos were crossing the road. The first one got over but then there came a car and hit the other tomato. So what did the tomato that crossed the road yell after the one who died?"

"Ya coming ketchup," Carter was quick to answer.

"That is Shawn's new joke he invented yesterday," I laughed, rubbing it a little into Shawn's face but knowing he could take it.

"You thought you came up with it?" They all started to laugh at him. I could tell he did not think it was funny.

"I'll go back to the room. Ya coming Shawn?" I stood having the biggest world problem - besides hunger, dead, ebola, war, illness, suicide, murder, selfharm and alot of other thing. Should I got with my bum or my boobs past Carter - or Cameron. I could not ask them to move. You would not do that.

I decided to go past Cam - with my bum towards him. Why, you may ask. He is about five years older than me so it would be kind of weird for him checking me out.

We got out on the street and I could see Shawn looked sad. I decided to wait to ask him what was wrong until we got to the room.

When we got there I asked him and he answered: "I am just homesick. I miss my family. I kinda wanna go home but don't wanna loose this big thing going on here. And it hasn't even started yet. It will first begin in five days. And it is not because I don't like the guys or anything I just miss back home. Just being quiet sometimes. I know we only have been here for two days, but those two days has only been quiet when we had to sleep. I miss home." He ended up saying, and I understood him.

"Shawn. I know how you feel but the best thing we can do to make that feeling go away is to just think of other things. Like right now it is silent. If you want we can play some guitar." I walked over and took the guitar, which stood beside his suitcase. Then I gave it to him before I walked over beside my suitcase and took my guitar.

We loved to play together.

Beginning - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now