Fifteenth year

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Fifteen years and 112 days

Half an hour. I had half an hour to get ready in. I took a shower without getting my hair wet. Then I got out, wrapped towel and walked into the room. "Hello there little lady." I heard a voice which made me jump.

"Shawn! Don't ever do that again?" I walked over to my suitcase where all of my cloth laid in a pail. "How did you get in here."

"You gave me the extra key to your room." He laughed held out the doorkey.

"That is right. Just forgot." I secured the towel with my hand and grabbed two dresses. "Which one?" I held them both up for Shawn to see.

"That one." He pointed at the black one I had in my right hand. It was a short black dress. On the back it was lace and then on the front it had white bottons all the way up. (Computer users: picture to the right - Phone users: picture in th top)

I got out in the bathroom and took underwear and the dress on. "How do I look?" I asked Shawn when I again walked out of the bathroom.

"Stunning." He just replied and a silence builded up in the room before he broke it. "You sure it is not a date you have with Cam?"

"I promise that it is not." I had told him of on going on a date so it would be impossible. "Why do you care?"... Break... "That sounded rude... I am just interested, that's all."

"Because if you go on a date with him, my chances with you have just took a big step back."

"Aw... Shawn. You are so sweet." It was cool of him telling me that he liked me, and not trying to keep it from me. A lot of boys do not have the MANDSMOD for that.

"Thank you. But anyways. I think red lips would look great with that." He laughed and walked out in the bathroom - pulling me with him.

"Is that just to see if I kiss Cameron, or if it actually would look great with it." I smirked at him and found a red lipstick to put on.

"I had not even had the though with the kiss. But it was actually smart." He laughed and looked as I putted the lipstick on.

I finished putting on the lipstick before speaking. "So from now on everytime you go out with a girl, I have to put lipstick on you and see if it disapires?"

"You can do that but I don't think I will get any girls to go out with me - espesially not when I have lipstick on." We both bursted out into laughter.

"I have an idea." I sudently told through the laughter.

"And that is..." He urged me to continue telling.

"While we are here in L.A. we have to go out and find a date for the other person."

He looked misbelieveful at me. "What happens if we don't find one?"

"I don't know..." I said honestly. I had not thought that long.

"I know." He bursted out. "If none of us finds a date we join eachother. If you don't find one you pay for a date with me. If I don't find on I have to pay for a date with you."

I laughed, "that means you and I go on a date no matter what."

"Oh. I really did not think of that." Shawn said ironically and laughed. He really liked me.

We had been friends our whole life and now he liked me as more than a friend. I did not know what to say about it... Did I like him too? Not really. Even though he could give me butterflies in the stomach sometimes. But that is normal, right? Maybe not. I guess I liked him a little then. It was nothing I had ever thought about untill Shawn said it to me.

Beginning - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now