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I looked at the frame.

"Kelsey, we gotta go. Grandma's looking for us."

"Go away Fatima. I want to stay here."

"It's not safe! Come on now!"

"Fatima stop! I don't care if it isn't safe. I need to see him. Just one last time, please." Tears were streaming down my facr

"Why did I have to drag you out there?" I touched her face

"She's gone."

"Her body can't take the operation. The body was already weak."



"Kelsey." I glanced back up to see my mom wiping her tears as well.

"Your dad wanted you to have her favorite items. I can't have the heart to throw 'em all away." She said and sat on the space next to me.

"You should've kept it." I still feel guilty.

"You shouldn't blame yourself." She reminded me and I looked down again.

"Mom we already know she's sick. That's the main reason why we had to move here in the first place! If I didn't drag her out there, she wouldn't have been in that accident! If I didn't chase after Charles! Mom... If I just did what my sister had told me... She would've been saved." I cried in her arms and she caressed my back.

"Sshh, sweetheart. Even if you didn't chase after that boy..." She stopped talking the moment her sentence started. It was so stupid of me to chase Charles. Really stupid.

"Dry your tears now love. Fatima hates drama." She joked and I nodded.

I took the box and put it in an empty space in my walk-in closet and wiped my tears. Soon after, mom left me alone in my room.

Maybe she's right. Maybe I should stop blaming myself.


"Ugh! Math!" I groaned as I sat beside Bigi and he laughed at me.

"Stop laughing." I hissed and he shoot his hands up in the air as if he was surrendering his all to the police.

"Do you have your period?" Chloe asked me and my eyes went wide with her question

"Knew it." She laughed and left us in the corridor.

Math was one of the fewest subjects I had with Bigi only. It's usually with Chloe and him.

"You didn't tell me." I said when we got to our seats.

"Told you what?" He looked at me in the most innocent way possible.

"About being part of the Miracles." Almost stating the obvious to him.

He went quiet with my question.

The thing is, I felt a pang of guilt when I found out he was part of the band. He's the one who introduced the band to me and all but I didn't know that he was part of it. It felt like I only got to the band because of my connection with Candace and Bigi.

I sighed.

"Doesn't matter. Thanks for giving me a chance anyway." I said and smiled at him.

"You're welcome. Connor said you got the part." I nodded in response

The teacher came and he discussed a lesson I would never understand immediately.

"I didn't know you write songs!" I exclaimed and he put a hand over my mouth and the rest of my sentence was muffled.

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