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Kelsey's P.O.V.

"Let's figure it out then!" He  said holding my hand

We were in that position when suddenly....

"Ate Kel nakauwi na ako!" (Kel, I'm home!)

Max stopped in the middle of her sentence when she saw me holding hands with Bigi. There's nothing wrong or malicious in our position but she was shocked especially because I've never really had a boy inside our house plus Bigi wasn't here when she got out of the house.


I don't know why but the situation was awkward for me. My sister just saw me with a boy, alone in our house, our parents aren't here while his hands are intertwined with mine. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating but I'm sure Max will be more extra about this.

"If you guys need me, I'm in my room." Max said running upstairs making me and Bigi looked at each other and laughing because of my sister.

"Your sister's cute." He said

"Oh please, she's far from cute." I said

I might never be the sweetest sister ever but I'm just stating the fact. People might see her as that just because they never got to live under the same room as that little monster. Well, Max is a good little monster... Not cute.

A couple of hours pass by before Bigi got a text from one of his cousins telling him to go home since he's kind of needed there. He helped me clean up our mess in the living room before he left.

Since I planned to be a slug today, I dragged my blanket upstairs with me and into my room. I almost jumped from my spot when I saw Max was sitting in her doorway, her head popping out of her room and she's already in her pjs. We're only now waiting for Dad to come home before we can eat dinner since he said he'll be buying us dinner tonight. Mom's going home tomorrow that's why we're waiting for Dad instead.

"So... Bigi, huh?" She said in a teasing tone. I knew it.

Why do I have to have such a malicious sister?

"Wala yon, pumasok ka na sa kuwarto mo." (It's nothing, go inside your room.)

"Ate!" She called but I closed my door.

Max and I are very close, believe me, but this kind of things make her overly excited. She's a kid, what do I expect right?

I dropped on my bed and groaned because my head bumped on the wooden corner of my bed. Pretty stupid, I know.

When dad arrived, we all ate dinner downstairs.

"Dad, are we really going back to the Philippines?" Max asked while munching on her pizza. We're too lazy to cook whenever Mom's not around that's why we always, and I mean always, order for food.

"Yep, just for a few days during your vacation. I need to go anf visit your grandma." I stayed quiet.

There's nothing for me to visit there except for our family and Aubrey, other than that, no one else. I have always wanted to runaway from the place ever since Fatima passed away and although I wanted to completely forget about the place, I can't since my family is there and I would always have to go back there.

The vacation is in a few days and we'd be there for a week. I'm not saying that I will not get to bump with Charles because there's a higher chance that we do since we lived in the same neighborhood as theirs but I think I would like to ignore him as much as I can.

I was young and extremely stupid back then, and I regret everything and every decisions I made but it won't bring the fact

"Kelsey, hurry up!" Dad rushed me as he waits for me at my door. Mom just got home from work and she's sleeping right now.

Dad decided to go and buy some things for grandma and he wanted us to tag along saying we might know new things that she like.

"She likes vegetables, definitely vegetables." Max said and I rolled my eyes at her as she buckles up inside dad's car.

"He means things that can be used, not eaten!" Sometimes, I even forget how this kid became my sister.

Before we even start a fight, Dad had already stopped the two of us pulling over the mall.

While the three of us are busy looking around, a tall boy in a man bun appeared out of nowhere and the next thing I knew he already saw me. I waved my hand and he approached us.

Honestly, I don't understand when he said we should figure out my feelings for him. It only made everything messier inside my head.

I looked at Max who already had a teasing look on her face and I had to glare at her so she could stop. But hey, younger siblings are made to annoy the hell out of you so I won't be surprised if she doesn't stop.

"Daddy, let's buy something for grandma over there!" She suddenly said and literally dragged our father after Bigi said hi to him. I don't even know what she's planning---

"Ate, let's meet around lunch!" I face palmed when she started shouting like an excited kid while waving her phone in the air as if telling me she'd tell me the place where we'd meet. I feel bad for dad's credit card. The kid knows how to max out things like that.

"She doesn't like me." He muttered as we both watch my family's figure disappear into the crowd.

"Trust me, she does." I said

She has never been like this before when I was with Charles. She doesn't like it when I was alone with him and she does her best to always come in between us and make him feel as if she doesn't like him. She barely smile and she barely shows emotion unlike what she does with Bigi. It seems like she pushes me to be with him. Her resentment towards Charles only worsened after Fatima passed away.

Since we're both left alone, we end up being each other. Going to shops only to look at what they have to offer and then going out after. It's not that we don't have money, nothing just caught our attention...

"Let's go over there." He said and we walk to the store.

There won't be paparazzis taking pictures right?

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